Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)

Asterisk Call manager (AMI) versions

Asterisk AMI
Asterisk 1.8 Asterisk Call Manager /1.1
Asterisk 11 Asterisk Call Manager /1.3
Asterisk 12 Asterisk Call Manager /2.5
Asterisk 13 Asterisk Call Manager /2.8
Asterisk 15 Asterisk Call Manager/4.0.3


Нажмите, чтобы отобразить

Нажмите, чтобы скрыть

; ---------------------------- О безопасности -------------------------------
; Не желательно открывать доступ к AMI на публичном ip адресе
; Если нужно, заблокируйте доступ к порту AMI при помощи iptables, а доступ организуйте при помощи IPsec, SSH или SSL vpn туннеля.
; Доступ к менеджеру также возможен по http/https, если Asterisk http server включен и настроен в http.conf,а 
;параметр "webenabled = yes" в данном файле. По умолчанию "no".
;httptimeout - назначает максимальный таймаут веб сессии, по истечении которого сессия сбрасывается
; По умолчанию 60 секунд.
enabled = yes
;webenabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =

;Параметр "tlsenable" вкл. управление AMI поверх TLS. ("enabled" должно быть вкл. тоже).
; Вы можете протестировать подключение командой:
;openssl s_client -connect my_host:5039
;tlsenable=no	; установите 'yes' для вкл.
;tlsbindaddr=		; адрес и порт привязки, по умолчанию это "bindaddr" и порт 5039
;tlscertfile=/tmp/asterisk.pem	; путь к сертификату.
;tlsprivatekey=/tmp/private.pem ; путь к приватному ключу.
; Если "tlsprivatekey" не задан, то будет исследован "tlscertfile" ключ.
;tlscipher=<cipher string>      ; SSL шифр
;allowmultiplelogin = yes		; Если 'no', то только одно подключение за раз.
;По умолчанию 'yes'.
;Отображать сообщение о подключении в консоли.
;displayconnects = yes
; Добавлять Unix epoch timestamp в события - 'events', но не для ответов 'actions'.
;timestampevents = yes

; Восстанавливать предыдущее состояние, если по каким-то причинам ответ не дошел. По умолчанию 'no'.
;brokeneventsaction = yes   
; Показывать перечисленные переменные канала при каждом событии в нем:
;channelvars = var1,var2,var3

; debug = on	; Вкл. отладочные сообщения событий AMI.
; Также вкл. ил консоли (CLI) командой "manager debug".

; "authtimeout" - период в сек. отведенный на аутентификацию клиента. Если за указанное время клиент не аутентифицировался, соединение разрывается. По умолчанию 30 секунд.

;authtimeout = 30

; "authlimit" - макс. кол-во сессий аутентификации в момент времени.

;authlimit = 50

;httptimeout = 60
; a) "httptimeout" - макс. время жизни 'http cookie'.
; b) "httptimeout" - 
;Временной период в течении которого собираются события по запросу  'action=waitevent' (на самом деле "httptimeout-10")
; c) "httptimeout" -  это также период в течении которого веб-сервер поддерживает http  сессию "живой", после успешного выполнения действия.
secret = PASS
read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate,message

;acl=named_acl_example               ; использовать именной список ACL из acl.conf, вместо или совместно с 'deny/permit'.
; Установить переменную канала, когда данный пользователь AMI  ориджинирует вызов. Вы можете задать множество таких переменных для одного пользователя.
;eventfilter=Event: Newchannel
;eventfilter=Channel: (PJ)?SIP/(james|jim|john)-
;eventfilter=!Channel: DAHDI/
; "eventfilter" - фильтр событий для пользователя. Может быть белым  или черным списком.
; Фильтр задается регулярным выражением без якоря.
;Если в начале выражения стоит восклицательный знак, то фильтр считается черным списком, иначе белым.
; After first checking the read access below, the regular expression filters
; are processed as follows:
; - If no filters are configured all events are reported as normal.
; - If there are white filters only: implied black all filter processed first,
; then white filters.
; - If there are black filters only: implied white all filter processed first,
; then black filters.
; - If there are both white and black filters: implied black all filter processed
; first, then white filters, and lastly black filters.

; Если устройство, подключенное через данного пользователя, медленно принимает ввод,
; тайм-аут для записи может быть увеличен, чтобы избежать его
; отключения (значение в миллисекундах)
; writetimeout = 100
;displayconnects = yes	; Показывать подкл./откл. пользователя в консоли (CLI).
; Классы доступа к данным.
; "Read" определяет классы доступа чтения событий AMI.
; "Write" - классы выполнения действий (actions) и получения ответов на них.
; Определены следующие классы:
; all - включает все классы.
; system - General information about the system and ability to run system
;             management commands, such as Shutdown, Restart, and Reload. This
;             class also includes dialplan manipulation actions such as
;             DialplanExtensionAdd and DialplanExtensionRemove.
; call      - Information about channels and ability to set information in a
;             running channel.
; log       - Logging information.  Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
; verbose   - Verbose information.  Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
; agent     - Information about queues and agents and ability to add queue
;             members to a queue.
; user      - Permission to send and receive UserEvent.
; config    - Ability to read and write configuration files.
; command   - Permission to run CLI commands.  Write-only.
; dtmf      - Receive DTMF events.  Read-only.
; reporting - Ability to get information about the system.
; cdr       - Output of cdr_manager, if loaded.  Read-only.
; dialplan  - Receive NewExten and VarSet events.  Read-only.
; originate - Permission to originate new calls.  Write-only.
; agi       - Output AGI commands executed.  Input AGI command to execute.
; cc        - Call Completion events.  Read-only.
; aoc       - Permission to send Advice Of Charge messages and receive Advice
;           - Of Charge events.
; test      - Ability to read TestEvent notifications sent to the Asterisk Test
;             Suite.  Note that this is only enabled when the TEST_FRAMEWORK
;             compiler flag is defined.
; security  - Security Events.  Read-only.
; message   - Permissions to send out of call messages. Write-only
;read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
;write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate,message

secret = amp111
deny =
permit =
read = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
Подключение при помощи telnet
$ telnet 5038
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/1.0


Action: Login
ActionID: 1
Username: admin
Secret: amp111

Для ввода команды требуется двойное нажатие ENTER


Action: Login
ActionID: 1
Username: manager1
Secret: manager111
Action: QueueAdd
Queue: qs01
Interface: Local/6666@from-qs01
Penalty: 1
Paused: true
Action: QueueRemove
Queue: qs01
Interface: Local/6666@from-qs01

Asterisk 15

Action Synopsis
AbsoluteTimeout Set absolute timeout.
AOCMessage Generate an Advice of Charge mess
Atxfer Attended transfer.
BlindTransfer Blind transfer channel(s) to the
Bridge Bridge two channels already in th
BridgeDestroy Destroy a bridge.
BridgeInfo Get information about a bridge.
BridgeKick Kick a channel from a bridge.
BridgeList Get a list of bridges in the syst
BridgeTechnologyList List available bridging technolog
BridgeTechnologySuspend Suspend a bridging technology.
BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend Unsuspend a bridging technology.
CancelAtxfer Cancel an attended transfer.
Challenge Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
Command Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
ConfbridgeKick Kick a Confbridge user.
ConfbridgeList List participants in a conference
ConfbridgeListRooms List active conferences.
ConfbridgeLock Lock a Confbridge conference.
ConfbridgeMute Mute a Confbridge user.
ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc Set a conference user as the sing
ConfbridgeStartRecord Start recording a Confbridge conf
ConfbridgeStopRecord Stop recording a Confbridge confe
ConfbridgeUnlock Unlock a Confbridge conference.
ConfbridgeUnmute Unmute a Confbridge user.
CoreSettings Show PBX core settings (version e
CoreShowChannels List currently active channels.
CoreStatus Show PBX core status variables.
CreateConfig Creates an empty file in the conf
DBDel Delete DB entry.
DBDelTree Delete DB Tree.
DBGet Get DB Entry.
DBPut Put DB entry.
DialplanExtensionAdd Add an extension to the dialplan
DialplanExtensionRemove Remove an extension from the dial
Events Control Event Flow.
ExtensionState Check Extension Status.
ExtensionStateList List the current known extension
Filter Dynamically add filters for the c
GetConfig Retrieve configuration.
GetConfigJSON Retrieve configuration (JSON form
Getvar Gets a channel variable or functi
Hangup Hangup channel.
ListCategories List categories in configuration
ListCommands List available manager commands.
LocalOptimizeAway Optimize away a local channel whe
LoggerRotate Reload and rotate the Asterisk lo
Login Login Manager.
Logoff Logoff Manager.
MailboxCount Check Mailbox Message Count.
MailboxStatus Check mailbox.
MessageSend Send an out of call message to an
ModuleCheck Check if module is loaded.
ModuleLoad Module management.
Originate Originate a call.
Ping Keepalive command.
PJSIPQualify Qualify a chan_pjsip endpoint.
PJSIPRegister Register an outbound registration
PJSIPShowEndpoint Detail listing of an endpoint and
PJSIPShowEndpoints Lists PJSIP endpoints.
PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses Lists ContactStatuses for PJSIP i
PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound Lists PJSIP inbound registrations
PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound Lists PJSIP outbound registration
PJSIPShowResourceLists Displays settings for configured
PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound Lists subscriptions.
PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound Lists subscriptions.
PJSIPUnregister Unregister an outbound registrati
PresenceState Check Presence State
Redirect Redirect (transfer) a call.
Reload Send a reload event.
SendText Send text message to channel.
Setvar Sets a channel variable or functi
ShowDialPlan Show dialplan contexts and extens
Status List channel status.
UpdateConfig Update basic configuration.
UserEvent Send an arbitrary event.
VoicemailRefresh Tell Asterisk to poll mailboxes f
VoicemailUsersList List All Voicemail User Informati
WaitEvent Wait for an event to occur.

Asterisk 1.8 + Dongle

Нажмите, чтобы отобразить

Нажмите, чтобы скрыть

asterisk*CLI> manager show commands
  Action           Privilege        Synopsis
  ------           ---------        --------
  WaitEvent        <none>           Wait for an event to occur.
  QueueReset       <none>           Reset queue statistics.
  QueueReload      <none>           Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o
  QueueRule        <none>           Queue Rules.
  QueuePenalty     agent,all        Set the penalty for a queue member.
  QueueLog         agent,all        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
  QueuePause       agent,all        Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
  QueueRemove      agent,all        Remove interface from queue.
  QueueAdd         agent,all        Add interface to queue.
  QueueSummary     <none>           Show queue summary.
  QueueStatus      <none>           Show queue status.
  Queues           <none>           Queues.
  MuteAudio        system,all       Mute an audio stream
  VoicemailUsersL  call,reporting,  List All Voicemail User Information.
  DongleReload     system,config,a  Reload a module configuration.
  DongleRemove     system,config,a  Remove a dongle.
  DongleStart      system,config,a  Start a dongle.
  DongleStop       system,config,a  Stop a dongle.
  DongleRestart    system,config,a  Restart a dongle.
  DongleReset      system,config,a  Reset a dongle.
  DongleSetCCWA    config,all       Enable/Disabled Call-Waiting on a dongle.
  DongleSendPDU    call,all         Send a PDU of message.
  DongleSendSMS    call,all         Send a SMS message.
  DongleSendUSSD   call,all         Send a ussd command to the dongle.
  DongleShowDevic  system,reportin  List Dongle devices
  MixMonitorMute   <none>           Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
  PlayDTMF         call,all         Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
  MeetmeList       reporting,all    List participants in a conference.
  MeetmeUnmute     call,all         Unmute a Meetme user.
  MeetmeMute       call,all         Mute a Meetme user.
  DAHDIRestart     <none>           Fully Restart DAHDI channels (terminates calls).
  DAHDIShowChanne  <none>           Show status of DAHDI channels.
  DAHDIDNDoff      <none>           Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF.
  DAHDIDNDon       <none>           Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON.
  DAHDIDialOffhoo  <none>           Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook.
  DAHDIHangup      <none>           Hangup DAHDI Channel.
  DAHDITransfer    <none>           Transfer DAHDI Channel.
  IAXregistry      system,reportin  Show IAX registrations.
  IAXnetstats      system,reportin  Show IAX Netstats.
  IAXpeerlist      system,reportin  List IAX Peers.
  IAXpeers         system,reportin  List IAX peers.
  SIPnotify        system,all       Send a SIP notify.
  SIPshowregistry  system,reportin  Show SIP registrations (text format).
  SIPqualifypeer   system,reportin  Qualify SIP peers.
  SIPshowpeer      system,reportin  show SIP peer (text format).
  SIPpeers         system,reportin  List SIP peers (text format).
  AGI              agi,all          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
  UnpauseMonitor   call,all         Unpause monitoring of a channel.
  PauseMonitor     call,all         Pause monitoring of a channel.
  ChangeMonitor    call,all         Change monitoring filename of a channel.
  StopMonitor      call,all         Stop monitoring a channel.
  Monitor          call,all         Monitor a channel.
  DBDelTree        system,all       Delete DB Tree.
  DBDel            system,all       Delete DB entry.
  DBPut            system,all       Put DB entry.
  DBGet            system,reportin  Get DB Entry.
  Bridge           call,all         Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
  Park             call,all         Park a channel.
  ParkedCalls      <none>           List parked calls.
  ShowDialPlan     config,reportin  Show dialplan contexts and extensions
  AOCMessage       aoc,all          Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
  ModuleCheck      system,all       Check if module is loaded.
  ModuleLoad       system,all       Module management.
  CoreShowChannel  system,reportin  List currently active channels.
  Reload           system,config,a  Send a reload event.
  CoreStatus       system,reportin  Show PBX core status variables.
  CoreSettings     system,reportin  Show PBX core settings (version etc).
  UserEvent        user,all         Send an arbitrary event.
  UpdateConfig     config,all       Update basic configuration.
  SendText         call,all         Send text message to channel.
  ListCommands     <none>           List available manager commands.
  MailboxCount     call,reporting,  Check Mailbox Message Count.
  MailboxStatus    call,reporting,  Check mailbox.
  AbsoluteTimeout  system,call,all  Set absolute timeout.
  ExtensionState   call,reporting,  Check Extension Status.
  Command          command,all      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
  Originate        originate,all    Originate a call.
  Atxfer           call,all         Attended transfer.
  Redirect         call,all         Redirect (transfer) a call.
  ListCategories   config,all       List categories in configuration file.
  CreateConfig     config,all       Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
  Status           system,call,rep  List channel status.
  GetConfigJSON    system,config,a  Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
  GetConfig        system,config,a  Retrieve configuration.
  Getvar           call,reporting,  Gets a channel variable or function value.
  Setvar           call,all         Sets a channel variable or function value.
  Ping             <none>           Keepalive command.
  Hangup           system,call,all  Hangup channel.
  Challenge        <none>           Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
  Login            <none>           Login Manager.
  Logoff           <none>           Logoff Manager.
  Events           <none>           Control Event Flow.
  LocalOptimizeAw  system,call,all  Optimize away a local channel when possible.
  DataGet          <none>           Retrieve the data api tree.


Asterisk 12

Нажмите, чтобы отобразить

Нажмите, чтобы скрыть

Connected to Asterisk 12.5.0 currently running on localhost (pid = 1300)
localhost*CLI> manager show commands
  Action                       Synopsis
  ------                       --------
  WaitEvent                    Wait for an event to occur.
  QueueReset                   Reset queue statistics.
  QueueReload                  Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a q
  QueueRule                    Queue Rules.
  QueueMemberRingInUse         Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
  QueuePenalty                 Set the penalty for a queue member.
  QueueLog                     Adds custom entry in queue_log.
  QueuePause                   Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
  QueueRemove                  Remove interface from queue.
  QueueAdd                     Add interface to queue.
  QueueSummary                 Show queue summary.
  QueueStatus                  Show queue status.
  Queues                       Queues.
  PlayDTMF                     Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
  VoicemailRefresh             Tell Asterisk to poll mailboxes for a change
  VoicemailUsersList           List All Voicemail User Information.
  MuteAudio                    Mute an audio stream.
  ControlPlayback              Control the playback of a file being played to a
  StopMixMonitor               Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and fre
  MixMonitor                   Record a call and mix the audio during the record
  MixMonitorMute               Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
  ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc  Set a conference user as the single video source
  ConfbridgeStopRecord         Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeStartRecord        Start recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeLock               Lock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeUnlock             Unlock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeKick               Kick a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeUnmute             Unmute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeMute               Mute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeListRooms          List active conferences.
  ConfbridgeList               List participants in a conference.
  IAXregistry                  Show IAX registrations.
  IAXnetstats                  Show IAX Netstats.
  IAXpeerlist                  List IAX Peers.
  IAXpeers                     List IAX peers.
  PRIShowSpans                 Show status of PRI spans.
  DAHDIRestart                 Fully Restart DAHDI channels (terminates calls).
  DAHDIShowChannels            Show status of DAHDI channels.
  DAHDIDNDoff                  Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF.
  DAHDIDNDon                   Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON.
  DAHDIDialOffhook             Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook.
  DAHDIHangup                  Hangup DAHDI Channel.
  DAHDITransfer                Transfer DAHDI Channel.
  SIPpeerstatus                Show the status of one or all of the sip peers.
  SIPnotify                    Send a SIP notify.
  SIPshowregistry              Show SIP registrations (text format).
  SIPqualifypeer               Qualify SIP peers.
  SIPshowpeer                  show SIP peer (text format).
  SIPpeers                     List SIP peers (text format).
  Park                         Park a channel.
  ParkedCalls                  List parked calls.
  Parkinglots                  Get a list of parking lots
  AGI                          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
  UnpauseMonitor               Unpause monitoring of a channel.
  PauseMonitor                 Pause monitoring of a channel.
  ChangeMonitor                Change monitoring filename of a channel.
  StopMonitor                  Stop monitoring a channel.
  Monitor                      Monitor a channel.
  BridgeKick                   Kick a channel from a bridge.
  BridgeDestroy                Destroy a bridge.
  BridgeInfo                   Get information about a bridge.
  BridgeList                   Get a list of bridges in the system.
  BlindTransfer                Blind transfer channel(s) to the given destinatio
  Filter                       Dynamically add filters for the current manager s
  AOCMessage                   Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel
  ModuleCheck                  Check if module is loaded.
  ModuleLoad                   Module management.
  CoreShowChannels             List currently active channels.
  Reload                       Send a reload event.
  CoreStatus                   Show PBX core status variables.
  CoreSettings                 Show PBX core settings (version etc).
  UserEvent                    Send an arbitrary event.
  UpdateConfig                 Update basic configuration.
  SendText                     Send text message to channel.
  ListCommands                 List available manager commands.
  MailboxCount                 Check Mailbox Message Count.
  MailboxStatus                Check mailbox.
  AbsoluteTimeout              Set absolute timeout.
  PresenceState                Check Presence State
  ExtensionState               Check Extension Status.
  Command                      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
  Originate                    Originate a call.
  Atxfer                       Attended transfer.
  Redirect                     Redirect (transfer) a call.
  ListCategories               List categories in configuration file.
  CreateConfig                 Creates an empty file in the configuration direct
  Status                       List channel status.
  GetConfigJSON                Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
  GetConfig                    Retrieve configuration.
  Getvar                       Gets a channel variable or function value.
  Setvar                       Sets a channel variable or function value.
  ShowDialPlan                 Show dialplan contexts and extensions
  Hangup                       Hangup channel.
  Challenge                    Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
  Login                        Login Manager.
  Logoff                       Logoff Manager.
  Events                       Control Event Flow.
  Ping                         Keepalive command.
  LocalOptimizeAway            Optimize away a local channel when possible.
  MessageSend                  Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
  Bridge                       Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
  BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend    Unsuspend a bridging technology.
  BridgeTechnologySuspend      Suspend a bridging technology.
  BridgeTechnologyList         List available bridging technologies and their st
  DataGet                      Retrieve the data api tree.
  DBPut                        Put DB entry.
  DBDelTree                    Delete DB Tree.
  DBDel                        Delete DB entry.
  DBGet                        Get DB Entry.


asterisk 13

Нажмите, чтобы отобразить

Нажмите, чтобы скрыть

asterisk*CLI> manager show commands
  Action                          Synopsis
  ------                          --------
  WaitEvent                       Wait for an event to occur.
  PresenceStateList               List the current known presence states.
  QueueReset                      Reset queue statistics.
  QueueReload                     Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of
  QueueRule                       Queue Rules.
  QueueMemberRingInUse            Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
  QueuePenalty                    Set the penalty for a queue member.
  QueueLog                        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
  QueuePause                      Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
  QueueRemove                     Remove interface from queue.
  QueueAdd                        Add interface to queue.
  QueueSummary                    Show queue summary.
  QueueStatus                     Show queue status.
  Queues                          Queues.
  DeviceStateList                 List the current known device states.
  PlayDTMF                        Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
  StopMixMonitor                  Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and
  MixMonitor                      Record a call and mix the audio during the rec
  MixMonitorMute                  Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
  VoicemailRefresh                Tell Asterisk to poll mailboxes for a change
  VoicemailUsersList              List All Voicemail User Information.
  MuteAudio                       Mute an audio stream.
  ControlPlayback                 Control the playback of a file being played to
  ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc     Set a conference user as the single video sour
  ConfbridgeStopRecord            Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeStartRecord           Start recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeLock                  Lock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeUnlock                Unlock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeKick                  Kick a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeUnmute                Unmute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeMute                  Mute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeListRooms             List active conferences.
  ConfbridgeList                  List participants in a conference.
  PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound   Lists PJSIP inbound registrations.
  PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound  Lists PJSIP outbound registrations.
  PJSIPRegister                   Register an outbound registration.
  PJSIPUnregister                 Unregister an outbound registration.
  PJSIPNotify                     Send a NOTIFY to either an endpoint or an arbi
  IAXregistry                     Show IAX registrations.
  IAXnetstats                     Show IAX Netstats.
  IAXpeerlist                     List IAX Peers.
  IAXpeers                        List IAX peers.
  SIPpeerstatus                   Show the status of one or all of the sip peers
  SIPnotify                       Send a SIP notify.
  SIPshowregistry                 Show SIP registrations (text format).
  SIPqualifypeer                  Qualify SIP peers.
  SIPshowpeer                     show SIP peer (text format).
  SIPpeers                        List SIP peers (text format).
  PRIDebugFileUnset               Disables file output for PRI debug messages
  PRIDebugFileSet                 Set the file used for PRI debug message output
  PRIDebugSet                     Set PRI debug levels for a span
  PRIShowSpans                    Show status of PRI spans.
  DAHDIRestart                    Fully Restart DAHDI channels (terminates calls
  DAHDIShowChannels               Show status of DAHDI channels.
  DAHDIDNDoff                     Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF
  DAHDIDNDon                      Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON.
  DAHDIDialOffhook                Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook.
  DAHDIHangup                     Hangup DAHDI Channel.
  DAHDITransfer                   Transfer DAHDI Channel.
  UnpauseMonitor                  Unpause monitoring of a channel.
  PauseMonitor                    Pause monitoring of a channel.
  ChangeMonitor                   Change monitoring filename of a channel.
  StopMonitor                     Stop monitoring a channel.
  Monitor                         Monitor a channel.
  Park                            Park a channel.
  ParkedCalls                     List parked calls.
  Parkinglots                     Get a list of parking lots
  FAXStats                        Responds with fax statistics
  FAXSession                      Responds with a detailed description of a sing
  FAXSessions                     Lists active FAX sessions
  AGI                             Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
  PJSIPShowResourceLists          Displays settings for configured resource list
  PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound  Lists subscriptions.
  PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound   Lists subscriptions.
  PJSIPQualify                    Qualify a chan_pjsip endpoint.
  PJSIPShowEndpoint               Detail listing of an endpoint and its objects.
  PJSIPShowEndpoints              Lists PJSIP endpoints.
  BridgeKick                      Kick a channel from a bridge.
  BridgeDestroy                   Destroy a bridge.
  BridgeInfo                      Get information about a bridge.
  BridgeList                      Get a list of bridges in the system.
  BlindTransfer                   Blind transfer channel(s) to the given destina
  Filter                          Dynamically add filters for the current manage
  AOCMessage                      Generate an Advice of Charge message on a chan
  ModuleCheck                     Check if module is loaded.
  ModuleLoad                      Module management.
  CoreShowChannels                List currently active channels.
  LoggerRotate                    Reload and rotate the Asterisk logger.
  Reload                          Send a reload event.
  CoreStatus                      Show PBX core status variables.
  CoreSettings                    Show PBX core settings (version etc).
  UserEvent                       Send an arbitrary event.
  UpdateConfig                    Update basic configuration.
  SendText                        Send text message to channel.
  ListCommands                    List available manager commands.
  MailboxCount                    Check Mailbox Message Count.
  MailboxStatus                   Check mailbox.
  AbsoluteTimeout                 Set absolute timeout.
  PresenceState                   Check Presence State
  ExtensionState                  Check Extension Status.
  Command                         Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
  Originate                       Originate a call.
  Atxfer                          Attended transfer.
  Redirect                        Redirect (transfer) a call.
  ListCategories                  List categories in configuration file.
  CreateConfig                    Creates an empty file in the configuration dir
  Status                          List channel status.
  GetConfigJSON                   Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
  GetConfig                       Retrieve configuration.
  Getvar                          Gets a channel variable or function value.
  Setvar                          Sets a channel variable or function value.
  ShowDialPlan                    Show dialplan contexts and extensions
  Hangup                          Hangup channel.
  Challenge                       Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
  Login                           Login Manager.
  Logoff                          Logoff Manager.
  Events                          Control Event Flow.
  Ping                            Keepalive command.
  LocalOptimizeAway               Optimize away a local channel when possible.
  ExtensionStateList              List the current known extension states.
  MessageSend                     Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
  Bridge                          Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
  DialplanExtensionRemove         Remove an extension from the dialplan
  DialplanExtensionAdd            Add an extension to the dialplan
  BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend       Unsuspend a bridging technology.
  BridgeTechnologySuspend         Suspend a bridging technology.
  BridgeTechnologyList            List available bridging technologies and their
  DataGet                         Retrieve the data api tree.
  DBPut                           Put DB entry.
  DBDelTree                       Delete DB Tree.
  DBDel                           Delete DB entry.
  DBGet                           Get DB Entry.

Настройка Asterisk

  • asterisk/ami.txt
  • Последние изменения: 2019/08/26