[Synopsis] Get or Set a presence state. [Description] The PRESENCE_STATE function can be used to retrieve the presence from any presence provider. For example: NoOp(SIP/mypeer has presence ${PRESENCE_STATE(SIP/mypeer,value)}) NoOp(Conference number 1234 has presence message ${PRESENCE_STATE(MeetMe :1234,message)}) The PRESENCE_STATE function can also be used to set custom presence state from the dialplan. The 'CustomPresence:' prefix must be used. For example: Set(PRESENCE_STATE(CustomPresence:lamp1)=away,temporary,Out to lunch) Set(PRESENCE_STATE(CustomPresence:lamp2)=dnd,,Trying to get work done) Set(PRESENCE_STATE(CustomPresence:lamp3)=xa,T24gdmFjYXRpb24=,,e) Set(BASE64_LAMP3_PRESENCE=${PRESENCE_STATE(CustomPresence:lamp3,subtype,e)}) You can subscribe to the status of a custom presence state using a hint in the dialplan: exten => 1234,hint,CustomPresence:lamp1 The possible values for both uses of this function are: not_set | unavailable | available | away | xa | chat | dnd [Syntax] PRESENCE_STATE(provider,field[,options]) [Arguments] provider The provider of the presence, such as 'CustomPresence' field Which field of the presence state information is wanted. value: The current presence, such as 'away' subtype: Further information about the current presence message: A custom message that may indicate further details about the presence options e: On Write - Use this option when the subtype and message provided are Base64 encoded. On Read - Retrieves message/subtype in Base64 encoded form.
[See Also] Not available