SIP Protocol Messages

The SIP protocol specifies messages that communicate status between endpoints. Each standardized message is indexed by a number as listed below.


  • INVITE Indicates that a user is being invited to join a session.
  • ACK Confirms that client has received a response to the invite message.
  • BYE Terminates a call.
  • CANCEL Cancels any Pending Searches.
  • OPTIONS Queries for Capabilities.
  • REGISTER Registers the Address listed in the header field with a SIP Server.


  • 100 Trying: Indicates that a request has been initiated by the caller and the called party has yet not been located.
  • 180 Ringing: Indicates that the called party has been located and is being notified of the call.
  • 181 Call is being forwarded: Indicates that the called party has rerouted the call to another.
  • 182 Queued: Indicates that the called party is currently not available, and have put the call in queue.
  • 183 Session in Progress
  • 200 OK: Indicates that the request has been successfully processed.
  • 300 Multiple Choices: Indicates that the address resolved to more than one location.
  • 301 Moved permanently: Indicates user is no longer available at this location, an alternate location should be included in the header.
  • 302 Moved Temporarily: Indicates that the user in temporarily unavailable, an alternate location should be included in the header.
  • 305 Use Proxy: This response indicates that the caller must use a proxy to contact the called party.
  • 380 Call is not successful but alternate services are available.
  • 400 Bad Request: Indicates the request sent could not be understood.
  • 401 Unauthorized Request: Indicates the request requires authorization.
  • 402 Payment Required: Indicates payment is required to complete the call.
  • 403 Forbidden: Indicates Server has received the request but will not provide the service.
  • 404 Not Found: Indicates the server was not found.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed: Indicates that the request contains a list of methods that are not allowed.
  • 406 Not acceptable: Indicates that the request can not be processed by the client.
  • 407 Proxy Authentication Required: Client must first authenticate itself with a proxy.
  • 408 Request Timeout: The server could not produce a response before a given time out.
  • 409 Conflict: Indicates a conflict with the current state of the resource.
  • 410 Gone: Resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address was found.
  • 411 Length Required: User refuses request without a specified length.
  • 412 Request Entity Too Large: Server refuses to process request because URI is too long.
  • 415 Unsupported Media: Indicates the format of the body is not supported by the destination endpoint.
  • 420 Bad Extension: The server could not understand the protocol extension indicated in the required header.
  • 480 Temporarily Unavailable: Indicates that the called party was contacted but was temporarily unavailable.
  • 481 Call Leg Transaction Does Not Exist: Indicates that the server was ignoring the request of bye or cancel since there is no matching Invite transaction.
  • 482 Loop Detected: (Also, Request Merged) Server received a request which has it self in the path.
  • 483 Too Many Hops: The server received a request that required more hops than allowed.
  • 484 Incomplete Address: The server received a request with an incomplete address.
  • 485 Ambiguous: Server received a request in which the called address is ambiguous.
  • 486 Busy Here: The called party was contacted but the system was not able to receive any more calls.
  • 487 Request Terminated: The calling party canceled the request before the dialog was established with a 200 OK.
  • 488 Not Acceptable Here
  • 489 Bad Event: See RFC3265
  • 491 Request Pending
  • 493 Undecipherable
  • 494 Security Agreement Required: See RFC3329
  • 500 Server Internal Error: Server encountered an unexpected error and could not process the request
  • 501 Not Implemented: Server does not support the functions required to complete the request.
  • 502 Bad Gateway: Server received an invalid request upstream.
  • 503 Service Unavailable: Server has an overload or maintenance problem.
  • 504 Gateway Timeout: Server did not receive a timely response from another server.
  • 505 Version Not Supported: Server does not support the SIP protocol used in the request.
  • 600 Busy Everywhere: Called party is busy and cannot take the call at this time.
  • 603 Decline: Called party was contacted but does not want to take part in the call.
  • 604 Does Not Exist Anywhere: Called Party does not exist anywhere in the network.
  • 606 Not Acceptable: Called party has rejected some part of the call session description as unacceptable.

Example: Playback custom error message


 <action application="set" data="hangup_on_bridge=true"/>
 <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
 <action application="bridge" data="..."/>
 <action application="lua" data="playerror.lua"/>

That'll run the lua script after the bridge, but only if the bridge fails.

In the lua script:

cause = session:getVariable("originate_disposition")
 if (cause == "USER_BUSY") then
      elseif (cause == "UNALLOCATED_NUMBER") then
        elseif (cause == "NO_USER_RESPONSE" or cause=="NO_ANSWER") then

Alternatively you can now use transfer_on_fail like this

 <action application="set" data="hangup_on_bridge=true"/>
 <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
 <action application="set" data="transfer_on_fail=UNALLOCATED_NUMBER auto_cause xml error"/>
 <action application="bridge" data="A..."/>
 <action application="bridge" data="B..."/>

  then have the an «Error» context in your dialplan.

 <context name="error">
     <extension name="UNALLOCATED_NUMBER" continue="true">
          <condition field="${originate_disposition}" expression="UNALLOCATED_NUMBER" continue="false" break="on-true">
                <action application="playback" data="/usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/NotInService.wav"/>
                <action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>

See Also

  • freeswitch/sip_protocol_messages.txt
  • Последние изменения: 2018/10/22