IPMatika Yealink - Auto Provisioning - Hot Desking

Рассмотрим простой пример организации VoIP АТС с реализацией функций:
Auto Provisionig - в нашем примере, загрузка настроек телефона с TFTP сервера.
Hot Desking - за телефонными аппаратами не закреплен конкретный номер. Сотрудник нажимает запрограммированную кнопку на телефоне, вводит логин/пароль и авторизуется на своем SIP аккаунте.

Данная инструкция ориентирована на использование линейки VoIP телефонов Yealink(IPmatika) SIP-T2/T19P/T4

Формат имени конфигурационного файла общих настроек (common) для каждой модели.

Phone Model Common CFG File
Yealink SIP-T28P y000000000000.cfg
Yealink SIP-T26P y000000000004.cfg
Yealink SIP-T22P y000000000005.cfg
Yealink SIP-T21P y000000000034.cfg
Yealink SIP-T20P y000000000007.cfg
Yealink SIP-T19P y000000000031.cfg
Yealink SIP-T19P E2 y000000000053.cfg
Yealink SIP-T40P y000000000054.cfg
Yealink SIP-T46G y000000000028.cfg
Yealink SIP-T42G y000000000029.cfg
Yealink SIP-T41P y000000000036.cfg

Также вы можете получить список актуальных шаблонов в исходниках FusionPbx

Формат имени конфигурационного файла для каждого уникального устройства:


Может быть использован для всех вышеперечисленных моделей.




##File header "#!version:" can not be edited or deleted, and must be placed in the first line.##

##                          Network                                                  ## 

#Configure the WAN port type; 0-DHCP (default), 1-PPPoE, 2-Static IP Address;
#Require reboot;
network.internet_port.type =     

#Configure the static IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server;
#Require Reboot;
network.internet_port.ip =
network.internet_port.mask = 
network.internet_port.gateway =
network.secondary_dns = 

#Configure the duplex mode and the speed of the WAN port.
#0-Auto negotiate (default), 1-Full duplex 10Mbps, 2-Full duplex 100Mbps, 3-Half duplex 10Mbps, 4-Half duplex 100Mbps;
network.internet_port.speed_duplex = 

#Configure the username and password for PPPOE connection.
#Require reboot;
network.pppoe.user = 
network.pppoe.password = 

#Configure the PC port type; 0-Router, 1-Bridge (default);
#Require reboot;
network.bridge_mode =     

#Configure the IP address and mask when the PC port is configured as Router.
#Require reboot;
network.pc_port.ip = 
network.pc_port.mask = 

#Configure the duplex mode and the speed of the PC port when configured as Router.
#0-Auto negotiate (default), 1-Full duplex 10Mbps, 2-Full duplex 100Mbps, 3-Half duplex 10Mbps, 4-Half duplex 100Mbps;
network.pc_port.speed_duplex = 

#Enable or disable the DHCP server when the PC port is configured as Router; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.pc_port.dhcp_server = 

#Define the DHCP IP address range. The default is from to
network.dhcp.start_ip =
network.dhcp.end_ip =

#Enable or disable the VLAN of WAN prot; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.internet_port_enable =            

#Configure the VLAN ID, it ranges from 0 to 4094, the default value is 0.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.internet_port_vid =  

#Configure the VLAN priority, it ranges from 0 (default) to 7. 
#Require reboot;            
network.vlan.internet_port_priority =        
#Enable or disable the VLAN of PC port; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_enable =  

#Configure the VLAN ID, it ranges from 0 to 4094, the default value is 1. 
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_vid =      

#Configure the VLAN priority, it ranges from 0 (default) to 7. 
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_priority =    

#Enable or disable the DHCP to obtain the information of the VLAN; 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.dhcp_enable =

#Configure the DHCP option to obtain the information of the VLAN. It ranges from 0 to 255.
#Multiple options separated by a comma. It supports up to 5 options in all.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.dhcp_option =

#Configure the transmit package mode when the VLAN of PC port is enabled; 
#0-The package is not treated and forwarded directly from PC port to the WAN port;
#1-The package is added the tag and forwarded from PC port to the WAN port, if the package is not the tag.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_mode =

#Configure the access type of the web server; 0-Disabled, 1-HTTP & HTTPS(default), 2-HTTP Only, 3-HTTPS Only;
#Require reboot;
network.web_server_type = 

#Configure the HTTP port (80 by default) and the HTTPS port (443 by default) of the web server. Both range from 1 to 65535.
#Require reboot;
network.port.http = 
network.port.https = 

#Configure the maximum local RTP port. It ranges from 0 to 65535, the default value is 11800.
#Require reboot;
network.port.max_rtpport = 

#Configure the minimum local RTP port. It ranges from 0 to 65535, the default value is 11780.
#Require reboot;
network.port.min_rtpport = 

#Configure the voice QOS. It ranges from 0 to 63, the default value is 46.
#Require reboot;
network.qos.rtptos = 

#Configure the SIP QOS. It ranges from 0 to 63, the default value is 26.
#Require reboot;
network.qos.signaltos = 

#Configure the 802.1x mode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-EAP-MD5, 2-EAP-TLS, 3-PEAP-MSCHAPV2;
#Require reboot;
network.802_1x.mode = 

#Configure the username and password for 802.1x authentication.
#Require reboot;
network.802_1x.identity = 
network.802_1x.md5_password = 

#Configure the access URL of the root and client certificates.
network.802_1x.root_cert_url =
network.802_1x.client_cert_url = 

#Enable or disable the VPN feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.vpn_enable = 

#Enable or disable the LLDP feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.lldp.enable = 

#Configure the interval(in seconds) the phone broadcasts the LLDP request. It ranges from 1 to 3600, the default value is 60.
#Require reboot;
network.lldp.packet_interval = 

#Enable or disable the SNMP feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.enable =

#Configure the SNMP port.
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.port = 

#Configure the IP address(es) of the trusted SNMP server,multiple IP addresses must be separated by a space.
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.trust_ip =

#Enable or disable the span from WAN port to PC port feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.span_to_pc_port =

#Configure the phone whether to add the MAC address to the User-Agent header; 0-Do not add, 1-Add;
#Require reboot;
network.sip.tag_mac_to_ua.enable =

##                Syslog Server                                                      ##          

#Configure the IP address of the syslog server.
#Require reboot;
syslog.server = 

#Configure the syslog level. It ranges from 0 to 6, the default value is 3.
#Require reboot;
syslog.log_level = 

##                 TR069                                                             ##

#The TR069 feature is only applicable to some designated firmware version.
#All settings of TR069 require reboot.
#Enable or disable the TR069 feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
managementserver.enable = 

#Configure the username and password for the phone to authenticate with the ACS.
managementserver.username = 
managementserver.password = 

#Configure the access URL of the ACS.
managementserver.url = 

#Configure the username and password for the phone to authenticate the connection requests.
managementserver.connection_request_username = 
managementserver.connection_request_password = 

#Enable or disable the phone to inform its configuration to the ACS; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
managementserver.periodic_inform_enable = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone to inform its configuration to the ACS. The default value is 60.
managementserver.periodic_inform_interval = 

##                 Auto Provisioning                                                 ##      

#Configure the auto provision mode;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Power on, 4-Repeatedly, 5-Weekly, 6-Power on + Repeatedly, 7-Power on + Weekly; 
auto_provision.mode = 1

#Enable or disable the Plug and Play feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
auto_provision.pnp_enable =  

#Configure the domain name of the PNP server.
auto_provision.pnp_domain_name =

#Configure the value (manufacturer of the device) of the PNP subscribe message. 
auto_provision.pnp_event_vendor =

#Configure the interval (in minutes) for the phone to check new configuration files. It ranges from 1 to 43200, the default value is 1440.
#It is only applicable to "Repeatedly" and "Power on + Repeatedly" modes.
auto_provision.schedule.periodic_minute = 

#Configure the start time of the day for the phone to check new configuration files. The default value is 00:00.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes. 
#If the desired start time of the day is seven forty-five a.m., the value format is 07:45.
auto_provision.schedule.time_from =

#Configure the end time of the day for the phone to check new configuration files.  The default time is 00:00.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes.
#If the desired end time of the day is seven forty-five p.m., the value format is 19:45.
auto_provision.schedule.time_to =

#Configure the day of week for the phone to check new configuration files. The default vaule is 0123456.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes.
#If the desired week is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the value format is 012.
auto_provision.schedule.dayofweek =

#Configure the URL of the auto provisioning server.
auto_provision.server.url =

#Configure the username and password for downloading.
auto_provision.server.username = 
auto_provision.server.password = 

#Configure the name of the common file.
#T28P: y000000000000.cfg, T26P: y000000000004.cfg, T22P: y000000000005.cfg, T20P: y000000000007.cfg;
auto_provision.common_file_name = 

#Enable or disable DHCP option mode; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
auto_provision.dhcp_option.enable =

#Configure the value (manufacturer of the device) of DHCP option 60. 
auto_provision.dhcp_option.option60_value = 

#Configure the custom DHCP option number. It ranges from 128 to 254. 
auto_provision.dhcp_option.list_user_options = 

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the common CFG file. 
auto_provision.aes_key_16.com = 

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the MAC-Oriented CFG file.
auto_provision.aes_key_16.mac = 

#Configure the mode of downloading configuration files for the phone. The value is 0(default) or 1.
auto_provision.update_file_mode = 0

##	               Auto Provisioning Code                                            ##

#This feature allows user to trigger the auto provisioning by pressing a predefined string on the phone.
#Require reboot;
#"X" ranges from 1 to 50

#Configure the auto provisioning name.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100.
#autoprovision.X.name =                  

#Configure the auto provisioning code;
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100.
#autoprovision.X.code =                   

#Configure the URL of the auto provisioning server.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 256.
#autoprovision.X.url =                

#Configure the username and password for downloading.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100.
#autoprovision.X.user =                   
#autoprovision.X.password =            

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the common CFG file and MAC-Oriented CFG file.
#autoprovision.X.com_aes =               
#autoprovision.X.mac_aes =               

autoprovision.1.name =        
autoprovision.1.code =        
autoprovision.1.url =         
autoprovision.1.user =        
autoprovision.1.password =    
autoprovision.1.com_aes =     
autoprovision.1.mac_aes =     

autoprovision.2.name =        
autoprovision.2.code =        
autoprovision.2.url =         
autoprovision.2.user =        
autoprovision.2.password =    
autoprovision.2.com_aes =     
autoprovision.2.mac_aes = 

##	                Phone Features                                                   ##

#Enable or disable the phone to escape the pound key as percent sign followed by 23 when dialing out; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default); 
sip.use_23_as_pound = 

#Enable or disable the RFC2543 Hold feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
sip.rfc2543_hold = 

#Enable or disable the phone to keep sending the SIP messages to the outbound server; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
sip.use_out_bound_in_dialog = 

#Configure the registration random time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 (default) to 60. 
sip.reg_surge_prevention = 

#Enable or disable the WatchDog feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
watch_dog.enable = 

#Enable or disable the transferee to display the missed call prompt when receiving a semi_attended transfer call;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
transfer.semi_attend_tran_enable =

#Enable or disable the phone to complete the blind or attended transfer through on-hook;
transfer.blind_tran_on_hook_enable =    
transfer.on_hook_trans_enable = 

#Define the way of DSS key when configuring as a transfer key; 0-Display Number, 1-Attended Transfer, 2-Blind Transfer (default);
transfer.dsskey_deal_type =

#Enable or disable the phone to enter the transfer to interface during two calls when pressing the transfer soft key or TRAN key; 0-Disable, 1-Enabled (default);
transfer.multi_call_trans_enable =

#Enable or disable the conference initiator to transfer the call when hanging up. 
transfer.tran_others_after_conf_enable =  

##         	                   Call Forward                                          ##               

#Configure the call forward key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.fwd_mode =

#Enable or disable the always forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
forward.always.enable = 

#Configure the target number that the phone will forward the call to.
forward.always.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code.
forward.always.on_code = 
forward.always.off_code = 

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
forward.busy.enable = 
forward.busy.target = 
forward.busy.on_code = 
forward.busy.off_code = 

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
forward.no_answer.enable = 
forward.no_answer.target = 
forward.no_answer.timeout = 
forward.no_answer.on_code = 
forward.no_answer.off_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to forward the call to the international number (the prefix is 00); 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
forward.international.enable = 

##         	                   DND                                                   ##               

#Configure the DND key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.dnd_mode = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code.
features.dnd.on_code = 
features.dnd.off_code =

##                                Voice                                              ##

#Enable or disable the voice activity detection feature; 0-Disbaled (default), 1-Enabled;
voice.vad = 

#Enable or disable the comfortable noise generator; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
voice.cng = 

#Enable or disable the echo canceller; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
voice.echo_cancellation =

#Configure the volume of the side tone. It ranges from -48 to 0, the default value is -3.

#Configure the sending volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 1 to 53, the default values are 25, 35, 29.
#Require reboot;
voice.handfree_send =
voice.handset_send = 
voice.headset_send = 

#Configure the type of jitter buffer; 0-Fixed, 1-Adaptive (default); 
voice.jib.adaptive = 

#Configure the minimum delay, maximum delay and normal delay. The default values are 0, 300, 120.
voice.jib.min =
voice.jib.max = 
voice.jib.normal = 

#Define the voice tone, the valid values can be Custom (default) or voice tone of different countries. For example, United States, France, Germany and so on.
#voice.tone.country = Custom 
voice.tone.country =

#Customize the tone when the "voice.tone.country" is configured as Custom.  
#The value format: Frequency/Duration.
#Frequency ranges from 200 to 7000. When 0 is used to define the frequency, it means a pause between tones.
#A tone can be composited at most four different frequencies (the value format is: F1+F2+F3+F4).
#Duration is the time duration (in milliseconds) of ringing the tone. It ranges from 0 to 30000ms.
#At most eight tones can be configured for dial, ring, busy and so on, each tone is separated by a comma. 
#For example, voice.tone.dial = 100/200,200/150,300+400+500+1200/1000,0/1200,500+900/800,5000+2000+3000/6000,0/1500,3600/1800
voice.tone.dial = 
voice.tone.ring = 
voice.tone.busy = 
voice.tone.congestion = 
voice.tone.callwaiting = 
voice.tone.dialrecall = 
voice.tone.info = 
voice.tone.stutter = 
voice.tone.message = 
voice.tone.autoanswer = 

#Configure the receiving volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 0 to 15, the default value is 8.
voice.handfree.spk_vol = 
voice.handset.spk_vol = 
voice.headset.spk_vol = 

#Configure the dial tone volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 0 to 15, the default value is 8.
voice.handfree.tone_vol = 
voice.handset.tone_vol = 
voice.headset.tone_vol = 

#configure the preview call mode; 1-Ignore:the mixed of tone and RTP (default), 2-Force: discard the RTP and play the tone, 3-Skip: skip the tone to play the RTP;

##         	                   Security Settings                                     ##                   

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the certificates in the Trusted Certificates list;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
security.trust_certificates = 

#Define the login username and password of the user, var and administrator.
#If you change the username of the administrator from "admin" to "admin1", your new administrator's username should be configured as: security.user_name.admin = admin1.
#If you change the password of the administrator from "admin" to "admin1pwd", your new administrator's password should be configured as: security.user_password = admin1:admin1pwd.

#The following examples change the user's username to "user23" and the user's password to "user23pwd".
#security.user_name.user = user23
#security.user_password = user23:user23pwd
#The following examples change the var's username to "var55" and the var's password to "var55pwd".
#security.user_name.var = var55
#security.user_password = var55:var55pwd

security.user_name.user = 
security.user_name.admin = 
security.user_name.var = 
security.user_password = 

#Enable or disable the 3-level permissions (open var); 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
security.var_enable = 

##                   Customize the softkey                                           ##                                 
#Customize the softkeys presented on the phone LCD screen when Callfailed, Callin, Connecting, Dialing, Ringback and Talking. 
#Before using these parameters, you should store the desired XML files to the provisioning server.
custom_softkey_call_failed.url = 
custom_softkey_call_in.url = 
custom_softkey_connecting.url = 
custom_softkey_dialing.url = 
custom_softkey_ring_back.url = 
custom_softkey_talking.url = 

##         	                  Memory Key (For T26P and T28P)                         ##              
#X ranges from 1 to 10;
#memorykey.x.line--Configure the desired line to apply the key feature. T26P line value ranges from 0 to 3. T28P line value ranges from 0 to 6.
#The value 0 of the "memorykey.x.line" stands for Auto, it means the first available line. 
#But, when the DSS key is configured as BLF, BLF List, Shared Line, Call Park, Pick Up, ACD or Voice Mail feature, the value 0 stands for line 1.
#memorykey.x.value--Enter the value of some features. E.g. When configuring the DSS key to be BLF, enter the number of the monitored user.
#memorykey.x.pickup_value--Enter the pickup code, this parameter is only appilicable to BLF.
#memorykey.x.type--Assign the desired feature to the memory key.
#Valid types are:  0-N/A(default for memory key)  1-Conference 		 2-Forward    3-Transfer      4-Hold        5-DND             6-Redial                        7-Call Return     8-SMS    
#                  9-Direct Pickup                10-Call Park     11-DTMF      12-Voicemail    13-SpeedDial  14-Intercom       15-Line(default for line key)   16-BLF            17-URL    
#                  18-Group Listening             19-Public Hold   20-Private   21-Shared Line  22-XML Group  23-Group Pickup   24-Paging                       25-Record         27-XML Browser    
#                  34-Hot Desking                 35-URL Record    38-LDAP      39-BLF List     40-Prefix     41-Zero Touch     42-ACD                          45-Local Group    46-Broadsoft Group 
#memorykey.x.xml_phonebook--Specify the desired remote phonebook/local group/BSFT phonebook for the DSS key. This parameter is only appilicable to the feature XML Group/Local Group/Broadsoft Group.  

#Configure Memory Key1
memorykey.1.line = 
memorykey.1.value = 
memorykey.1.pickup_value = 
memorykey.1.type =  
memorykey.1.xml_phonebook =   

#Configure Memory Key2
memorykey.2.line = 
memorykey.2.value = 
memorykey.2.pickup_value = 
memorykey.2.type =  
memorykey.2.xml_phonebook =   

#Configure Memory Key3
memorykey.3.line = 
memorykey.3.value = 
memorykey.3.pickup_value = 
memorykey.3.type =  
memorykey.3.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key4
memorykey.4.line = 
memorykey.4.value = 
memorykey.4.pickup_value = 
memorykey.4.type =  
memorykey.4.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key5
memorykey.5.line = 
memorykey.5.value = 
memorykey.5.pickup_value = 
memorykey.5.type =  
memorykey.5.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key6
memorykey.6.line = 
memorykey.6.value = 
memorykey.6.pickup_value = 
memorykey.6.type =  
memorykey.6.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key7
memorykey.7.line = 
memorykey.7.value = 
memorykey.7.pickup_value = 
memorykey.7.type =  
memorykey.7.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key8
memorykey.8.line = 
memorykey.8.value = 
memorykey.8.pickup_value = 
memorykey.8.type =  
memorykey.8.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key9
memorykey.9.line = 
memorykey.9.value = 
memorykey.9.pickup_value = 
memorykey.9.type =  
memorykey.9.xml_phonebook =  

#Configure Memory Key10
memorykey.10.line = 
memorykey.10.value = 
memorykey.10.pickup_value = 
memorykey.10.type =  
memorykey.10.xml_phonebook =          
##         	                   Line Key                                              ##                 

#The x of the parameter "linekey.x.line" ranges from 1 to 6.
#The default value equals to the value of x. For example, the default value of the parameter "linekey.1.line" is 1.
#linekey.x.lable--Define the label for each line key.

#Configure Line Key1 
linekey.1.line =  
linekey.1.value = 
linekey.1.pickup_value = 
linekey.1.type = 
linekey.1.xml_phonebook =
linekey.1.label = 

#Configure Line Key2                        
linekey.2.line =                         
linekey.2.value =                         
linekey.2.pickup_value =                   
linekey.2.type =                         
linekey.2.xml_phonebook =                 
linekey.2.label =                        

#Configure Line Key3                         
linekey.3.line =                         
linekey.3.value =                         
linekey.3.pickup_value =                   
linekey.3.type =                         
linekey.3.xml_phonebook =                 
linekey.3.label =                        

#Configure Line Key4 (for T28P only)                        
linekey.4.line =                         
linekey.4.value =                         
linekey.4.pickup_value =                   
linekey.4.type =                         
linekey.4.xml_phonebook =                 
linekey.4.label =                         

#Configure Line Key5  (for T28P only)                       
linekey.5.line =                         
linekey.5.value =                         
linekey.5.pickup_value =                   
linekey.5.type =                          
linekey.5.xml_phonebook =                 
linekey.5.label =                         

#Configure Line Key6  (for T28P only)                       
linekey.6.line =                         
linekey.6.value =                         
linekey.6.pickup_value =                   
linekey.6.type =                         
linekey.6.xml_phonebook =                 
linekey.6.label =                        

##         	               Programmable Key                                             ##               
#X ranges from 1 to 15.
#programablekey.x.type--Customize the programmable key type.
#The valid types are: 
#0-N/A        2-Forward       5-DND              6-Redial               7-Call Return   8-SMS              9-Direct Pickup   13-Spead Dial 
#22-XML Group 23-Group Pickup 27-XML Browser     28-History             29-Directory    30-Menu            31-Switch Account 32-New SMS 
#33-Status    40-PTT          43-Local Phonebook 44-Broadsoft Phonebook 45-Local Group  46-Broadsoft Group 47-XML Phonebook  50-Keypad Lock
#PTT-add a specified prefix number before the dialed number.
#programablekey.x.line--Configure the desired line to apply the key feature. It ranges from 0 to 6.
#The value 0 of the "proramablekey.x.line" stands for Auto, it means the first available line. 
#But, when the programmable key is configured as Pick Up, the value 0 stands for line 1.

#programablekey.x.value =
#programablekey.x.xml_phonebook--Specify the desired remote phonebook/local group/BSFT phonebook for the programmable key. This parameter is only appilicable to the feature XML Group/Local Group/Broadsoft Group.
#programablekey.x.history_type =

#programablekey.x.label--This parameter is only available to the key 1 to key 4. 

programablekey.1.type = 34
programablekey.1.line = 
programablekey.1.value =
programablekey.1.xml_phonebook =
programablekey.1.history_type =
programablekey.1.label = цдс

##         	                        Expansion Key                                       ##               
#X ranges from 1 to 16, Y ranges from 1 to 40.
#expansion_module.x.key.y.type = 37 (Switch by default)
#expansion_module.x.key.y.line = 0 
#expansion_module.x.key.y.value = 
#expansion_module.x.key.y.pickup_value = 
#expansion_module.x.key.y.label =
#expansion_module.X.key.Y.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module1 key1
expansion_module.1.key.1.type = 
expansion_module.1.key.1.line = 
expansion_module.1.key.1.value = 
expansion_module.1.key.1.pickup_value = 
expansion_module.1.key.1.label =
expansion_module.1.key.1.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module1 key2
expansion_module.1.key.2.type =
expansion_module.1.key.2.line = 
expansion_module.1.key.2.value = 
expansion_module.1.key.2.pickup_value = 
expansion_module.1.key.2.label = 
expansion_module.1.key.2.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module2 key1
expansion_module.2.key.1.type = 
expansion_module.2.key.1.line = 
expansion_module.2.key.1.value = 
expansion_module.2.key.1.pickup_value = 
expansion_module.2.key.1.label =
expansion_module.2.key.1.xml_phonebook =
##           Automatic Call Distribute                                               ##
#Enable or disable the phone to automatically change the phone status to available; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
acd.auto_available = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) to automatically turn the state of the ACD agent to available. It ranges from 0 to 120, the default value is 60.
acd.auto_available_timer = 

#         	                   Action URL Settings                                   ##    

#action_url.setup_completed--Inform the server that the phone has completed the startup.              
#action_url.dnd_on-- Inform the server that the DND is activated on the phone. 
#The value format is: http://IP address of server/help.xml?variable name=variable value. 
#The valid variable values are: $mac--MAC address of phone, $ip--The current IP address of phone, $model--Phone model, $firmware--Phone firmware version. 
#$active_url--The SIP URI of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, outgoing state or during conversation. 
#$active_user--The username of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, outgoing state or during conversation.
#$active_host--The host name of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, the outgoing state or during conversation. 
#$local--The SIP URI of the caller when outgoing calls or the SIP URI of the callee when receiving calls. 
#$remote--The SIP URI of the callee when outgoing calls or the SIP URI of the caller when receiving calls.
#$display_local--The display name of the caller when outgoing calls or the display name of the callee when receiving calls.
#$display_remote--The display name of the callee when outgoing calls or the display name of the caller when receiving calls.
#$call_id--The caller ID when in the incoming state, the outgoing state or during conversation.
#For example, action_url.log_on =$mac

action_url.setup_completed = 
action_url.log_on = 
action_url.log_off = 
action_url.register_failed = 
action_url.off_hook = 
action_url.on_hook = 
action_url.incoming_call = 
action_url.outgoing_call = 
action_url.call_established = 
action_url.dnd_on = 
action_url.dnd_off = 
action_url.always_fwd_on = 
action_url.always_fwd_off = 
action_url.busy_fwd_on = 
action_url.busy_fwd_off = 
action_url.no_answer_fwd_on = 
action_url.no_answer_fwd_off = 
action_url.transfer_call = 
action_url.blind_transfer_call =
action_url.attended_transfer_call = 
action_url.hold = 
action_url.unhold = 
action_url.mute = 
action_url.unmute = 
action_url.missed_call = 
action_url.call_terminated = 
action_url.busy_to_idle = 
action_url.idle_to_busy = 
action_url.ip_change =
action_url.answer_new_incoming_call =
action_url.reject_incoming_call = 
action_url.transfer_finished = 
action_url.transfer_failed = 
action_url.forward_incoming_call =

##         	                   Language Settings                                     ##       

#Specify the web language, the valid values are: English, Chinese_S, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Deutsch and Czech.
lang.wui = 

#Specify the LCD language, the valid values are: English (default), Chinese_S, Chinese_T, German, French, Turkish, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese.
#lang.gui = English
lang.gui = 

##         	                   Time Settings                                         ##

#Configure the time zone and time zone name. The time zone ranges from -11 to +12, the default value is +8. 
#The default time zone name is China(Beijing).  
#Refer to Yealink IP Phones User Guide for more available time zones and time zone names. 
#local_time.time_zone = +8
#local_time.time_zone_name = China(Beijing) 
local_time.time_zone = +3
local_time.time_zone_name = 

#Configure the domain name or the IP address of the NTP server. The default value is cn.pool.ntp.org.
local_time.ntp_server1 =
local_time.ntp_server2 = 

#Configure the update interval (in seconds) when using the NTP server. The default value is 1000.
local_time.interval = 

#Configure the daylight saving time feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled, 2-Automatic (default); 
local_time.summer_time = 0

#Configure the DST type when the DST feature is enabled; 0-By Date (default), 1-By Week;
local_time.dst_time_type = 

#Configure the start time of DST. The default value is 1/1/0.
#If the DST type is configured as By Date, the value format is Month/Day/Hour. For example, the value 5/20/10 means the start time is at 10:00 on May 20.  
#If the DST type is configured as By Week, the value format is Month/Day of Week/Day of Week Last in Month/Hour of Day. 
#For example, the value 1/4/2/5 means the start time is at 5 o'clock on Tuesday of the 4th week in January.
local_time.start_time = 

#Configure the end time of DST. The default value is 12/31/23. The value format is the same to the start time.
local_time.end_time = 

#Configure the offset time (in seconds). It ranges from -300 to 300, the default value is 60.
local_time.offset_time = 

#Configure the time format; 0-12 Hour, 1-24 Hour (default);
local_time.time_format = 

#Configure the date format; 0-WWW MMM DD (default), 1-DD-MMM-YY, 2-YYYY-MM-DD, 3-DD/MM/YYYY, 4-MM/DD/YY, 5-DD MMM YYYY, 6-WWW DD MMM;
local_time.date_format = 

#Enable or disable the DHCP Time; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
local_time.dhcp_time = 1

##         	        Hot Desking                                                      ##
#Enable or disable the phone to show the following items on the login wizard during startup; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;  
#hotdesking.startup_register_name_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_username_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_password_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_sip_server_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_outbound_enable = 0 (default)

hotdesking.startup_register_name_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_username_enable = 1
hotdesking.startup_password_enable = 1
hotdesking.startup_sip_server_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_outbound_enable = 0

#Enable or disable the phone to show the following items on the login wizard when pressing the Hot Desking DSS key;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#hotdesking.dsskey_register_name_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_username_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_password_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_sip_server_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_outbound_enable = 0 (default)

hotdesking.dsskey_register_name_enable = 0
hotdesking.dsskey_username_enable = 1
hotdesking.dsskey_password_enable = 1
hotdesking.dsskey_sip_server_enable = 0 
hotdesking.dsskey_outbound_enable = 0

##         	           Distinctive Ring Tones                                        ##  

#"X" ranges from 1 to 10; 
#Configure the text to map the keywords contained in the "Alert-info" header.
#distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.X.text = family
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.text =

#Specify the ring tone for each text. It ranges from 1 to 8. The default value 1 stands for Ring1.wav.
#1-Ring1.wav, 2-Ring2.wav, 3-Ring3.wav, 4-Ring4.wav, 5-Ring5.wav, 6-Ring6.wav, 7-Ring7.wav, 8-Ring8.wav.
#distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.X.ringer = 1
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.ringer = 

##         	               Auto Redial                                               ##

#Enable or disable the auto redial feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
auto_redial.enable = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) to wait before redial. It ranges from 1 to 300. The default value is 10.
auto_redial.interval = 

#Configure the auto redial times. It ranges from 1 to 300. The default value is 10.
auto_redial.times = 

##         	               Zero Touch                                                ##
#Enable or disable the Zero Touch feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
zero_touch.enable = 

#Configure the waiting time (in seconds) before canceling the Zero Touch. It ranges from 0 to 100, the default value is 5.
zero_touch.wait_time = 

##         	               Push XML                                                  ##

push_xml.server =

#Enable or disable the phone to display the push XML interface when receiving an incoming call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
push_xml.block_in_calling =  

#Enable or disable the phone to use the push XML via SIP Notify message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
push_xml.sip_notify = 

##         	              Dial Plan                                                  ##

#Configure the area code;
dialplan.area_code.code = 
dialplan.area_code.min_len = 1
dialplan.area_code.max_len = 15 

#When applying the rule to multiple lines, each line ID separated by a comma. 
#e.g. dialplan.area_code.line_id = 1,2,3
dialplan.area_code.line_id = 

#Configure the block out number. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#dialplan.block_out.number.x =
dialplan.block_out.number.1 =

#When applying the rule to multiple lines, mutiple lines must be separated by a comma. E.g. 1,2,3.
#dialplan.block_out.line_id.X =
dialplan.block_out.line_id.1 =

#Configure the replace rule. X ranges from 1 to 20.
#dialplan.item.X = Enabled,Prefix,Replaced,LineID
#Enabled: Enable or disable the replace rule. 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled; Prefix: Specify the numbers that need replacing; 
#Replaced: Specify the alternate numbers;
#LineID: Specify the line ID to apply the replace rule,multiple lines ID must be separated by a comma;
dialplan.item.1 =

#Configure the dialnow rule. X ranges from 1 to 20.
#dialnow.item.X = Dial-now rule,Line ID
#Dial-now rule: Specify the numbers that need replacing;
#Line ID:Specify the line ID to apply the replace rule,multiple lines must be separated by a comma;
dialnow.item.1 =
##         	    BSFT Phonebook                                                       ##

#Configuration of BW phonebook. X ranges from 1 to 6.
#bw_phonebook.data.X.server = 
#bw_phonebook.data.X.port = 
#bw_phonebook.data.X.username = 
#bw_phonebook.data.X.password = 
#bw_phonebook.data.X.name = 
bw_phonebook.data.1.server = 
bw_phonebook.data.1.port = 
bw_phonebook.data.1.username = 
bw_phonebook.data.1.password = 
bw_phonebook.data.1.name = 

#Configure the search parameter of Broadsoft phonebook version 1.0, mutiple parameters must be separated by a "&"symbol.
bw_phonebook.search_params_v1 =

#Configure the search parameter of Broadsoft phonebook version 2.0, mutiple parameters must be separated by a "&"symbol.
bw_phonebook.search_params_v2 =

#Configure the mode of search parameters; 0-AND, 1-OR (default); The vaule only works in Broadsoft phonebook verion 2.0;
bw_phonebook.search_mode_or =

##                    BSFT Call Log                                                  ##

#Configuration of the BW call log. X ranges from 1 to 3.  
#bw_call_log.data.X.server =   
#bw_call_log.data.X.port =     
#bw_call_log.data.X.username = 
#bw_call_log.data.X.password = 
#bw_call_log.data.X.name =     
bw_call_log.data.1.server =        
bw_call_log.data.1.port =          
bw_call_log.data.1.username =      
bw_call_log.data.1.password =      
bw_call_log.data.1.name =         

#Enable or disable the phone to access the BSFT call log/phonebook directly when pressing the History/Directory soft keys;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
bw.calllog_and_dir = 

#Specify whether to display the BSFT call log on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
bw.behave_calllog = 

#Specify whether to display the BSFT directory on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enable (default);
#Require reboot;
bw.behave_bw_dir = 

#Enable or disable the feature key synchronization; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
bw.feature_key_sync = 

##         	    Remote phonebook                                                     ##

#Configure the access URL and dispaly name of the remote phonebook. X ranges from 1 to 5.
#remote_phonebook.data.X.url =   
#remote_phonebook.data.X.name =

remote_phonebook.data.1.url =   
remote_phonebook.data.1.name = 

##         	              LDAP Settings                                              ##
#Configure the search criteria for name and number lookups.
ldap.name_filter = 
ldap.number_filter = 

ldap.host =
ldap.port = 389

ldap.base = 
ldap.user = 
ldap.password = 

#Specify the maximum of the displayed search results. It ranges from 1 to 32000, the default value is 50.
ldap.max_hits = 

ldap.name_attr = 
ldap.numb_attr = 
ldap.display_name = 

#Configure the LDAP version. The valid value is 2 or 3 (default).
ldap.version = 

#Conifugre the search delay time. It ranges from 0 (default) to 2000.
ldap.search_delay = 

#Enable or disable the phone to query the contact name from the LDAP server when receiving an incoming call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
ldap.call_in_lookup = 

#Enable or disable the phone to sort the search results in alphabetical order; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
ldap.ldap_sort =  

#Enable or disable the phone to query the LDAP server when in the pre-dialing or the dialing state; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
ldap.dial_lookup =  

##         	              Phone Features                                             ##

#Configure the return code when activating DND; 404-No Found, 480-Temporarily not available (default), 486-Busy here;
#features.dnd_refuse_code = 480
features.dnd_refuse_code = 

#Configure the return code when refusing a call. The valid values are 404, 480, 486 (default).
features.normal_refuse_code = 

#Enable or disable the call completion feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.call_completion_enable = 

#Configure the LED flashing mode of the BLF key (line key). The value is 0(default) or 1.
features.blf_led_mode =

#Enable or disable the call waiting feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
call_waiting.enable = 

#Enable or disable the playing of call waiting tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
call_waiting.tone = 

#Enable or disable the intercom feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.intercom.allow = 

#Enable or disable the phone to mute the Speaker when answering an intercom call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;     
features.intercom.mute = 

#Enable or disable the phone to play the intercom warning tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default); 
features.intercom.tone = 

#Enable or disable the phone to barge in an intercom call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.intercom.barge = 

#Enables or disables the IP phone to query the contact names from the remote phonebook when receiving incoming calls; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
features.remote_phonebook.enable =

#Set the interval (in seconds) for the phone to update the information of the remote phonebook. The default value is 3600. 
features.remote_phonebook.flash_time = 

#Configure the hotline number and delay time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 180, the default value is 4.
features.hotline_number = 
features.hotline_delay = 

#Enable or disable the phone to suppress the display of DTMF digits; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.hide = 

#Enables or disables the IP phone to display the DTMF digits for a short period before displaying as asterisks; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.hide_delay =

#Configure the repetition times of DTMF end packet. The valid values are 1, 2, 3 (default).
features.dtmf.repetition = 

#Configure DTMF sequences. It can be consisted of digits, alphabets, * and #.
features.dtmf.transfer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send DTMF sequences during a call when pressing the transfer soft key or the TRAN key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.replace_tran = 

#Enable or disable the headset prior feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.headset_prior =

#Enable or disable the dual headset feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.headset_training =

#Configure the delay time (in milliseconds) before transfering a call. The default value is 0.
features.hold_trans_delay =

#Enbale or disable the phone to play a local DTMF tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default); 
features.play_local_dtmf_tone_enable =

#Enbale or disable the server to release the BLA line automatically; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.auto_release_bla_line =

#Configure the delay time (in seconds) of playing busy tone when rejecting a call. The valid values are 0 (default), 3 and 5. 
features.busy_tone_delay = 

#Configure the phone whether to send a pound key when pressing double pound keys; 0-Send one pound key (default), 1-Do not send any pound key;
features.send_pound_key = 

#Define the "#" or "*" key as the send key; 0-Disabled, 1-# key(default), 2-* key;
features.pound_key.mode = 

#Enable or disable the phone to play tone when pressing the digit key; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.send_key_tone = 
features.key_tone = 

#Enable or disable the phone to play a warning tone when there is a held call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.play_hold_tone.enable = 

#Configure the interval of playing a warning tone. The default value is 30s.
features.play_hold_tone.delay =

features.redial_tone = 

#Enable or disable the phone with active accounts to play tones in the dialing interface differently from the phone with no active accounts; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enbaled;
features.partition_tone =

#Enable or disable the phone to encrypt the digits of the dialed number. The encrypted digits are displayed as asterisks on the LCD screen; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.password_dial.enable =

#Configure the prefix numbers displayed before the encrypted digits.
features.password_dial.prefix =

#Configure the length of encrypted digits.
features.password_dial.length =

#Enable or disable the phone to diaplay the Save Call Log option on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.history_save_display = 

#Enable or disable the phone to save the call history; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);   
features.save_call_history = 

#Configure the power Indicator LED to turn on ro turn off; 0-On (default), 1-Off;
features.power_led_on =

#Specifie the address(es) or enters Ў°anyЎ± from which Action URI will be accepted.
#For discontinuous IP addresses, each IP address is separated by comma, for example:,
#For continuous IP addresses, the format likes *.*.*.* and the Ў°*Ў± stands for the values 0~255. For example: 10.10.*.* stands for the IP addresses that range from
#If left blank, the IP phone cannot receive or handle any HTTP GET request.
#If set to Ў°anyЎ±, the IP phone accepts and handles HTTP GET requests from any IP address.
features.action_uri_limit_ip =

#Configure the delay time (in seconds)of auto answer. The time ranges from 1 to 4, the default value is 1s.
features.auto_answer_delay =

#Enable or disable the transfer DSS key to perform the blind transfer; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.dsskey_blind_tran = 

#Configure the overtime (in minutes) of logging web user interface. It ranges from 1 to 1000, the default value is 5.
features.relog_offtime = 
#Enable or disable the phone to dial the IP address directly; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.direct_ip_call_enable = 

#Configure the ringtone of emergency calls;
#features.emergency_ring = Emergency.wav
features.emergency_ring = 

#Enable or disable the phone to mute the call during an active call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.allow_mute =

#Specify the ring device when the phone is in the Headset mode; 0-use Speaker (default), 1-use Headset;
features.ringer_device.is_use_headset = 

#Enable or disable the phone to pick up the call using the group pickup soft key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.group_pickup_enable = 

#Configure the group pickup code.
features.pickup.group_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to pick up the call using the directed pickup soft key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.direct_pickup_enable = 

#Configure the directed pickup code.
features.pickup.direct_pickup_code =

#Specify the way to notify the phone of the incoming call of the monitored user by visual or audio indicator;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.blf_visual_enable =
features.pickup.blf_audio_enable = 

#Configure the input type when the phone is in the dialing state, if the parameter "ldap.dial_lookup" is Enabled; 0-2aB, 1-123 (default), 2-abc, 3-ABC;
features.ldap.input_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to play the warning tone when receiving a vocie mail. 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled(default).
features.voice_mail_tone_enable = 

#Configure the time (in seconds) the phone automatically dials out the dialed digits. It ranges from 1 to 14, the default value is 4.
phone_setting.inter_digit_time = 

#Configure the flash hook time (in milliseconds). It ranges from 0 to 799, the default value is 1.
phone_setting.flash_hook_timer = 

#Configure the keypad lock type; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Menu Key, 2-Function Key, 3-All Keys, 4-Lock&Answer;
phone_setting.lock = 

#Configure the unlock password for the phone. The default value is 123.
phone_setting.phone_lock.unlock_pin = 

#Configures the interval (in seconds) to automatically lock the IP phone. It ranges from 0 to 3600, the default value is 0.
phone_setting.phone_lock.lock_time_out = 

#Configure the ring tone for the phone. System ring tones are: Common, Ring1.wav (default), Ring2.wavЎ­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you set the custom ring tone (Busy.wav) for the phone, the value is: phone_setting.ring_type = Busy.wav
#If you set the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the phone, the value is: phone_setting.ring_type = Ring2.wav
phone_setting.ring_type = 

#Configure the contrast of the LCD screen. It ranges from 1 to 10,the default value is 6.
phone_setting.contrast =

#Configure the logo mode of the LCD screen; 0-Disabled (default), 1-System logo, 2-Custom logo;
phone_setting.lcd_logo.mode = 

#Configure the active backlight level. It ranges from 1 to 3, the default value is 2.
#The same level for different phones may result in different backlight intensities. 
phone_setting.active_backlight_level = 

#Configure the backlight time (in seconds). The valid values are: 0-Always on, 1-Always off, 15-15s, 30-30s (default), 60-60s, 120-120s.
phone_setting.backlight_time = 

#Configure the ring tone when the transfer fails. The valid values are: Ring1.wav.... Ring8.wav.
#phone_setting.ring_for_tranfailed = Ring1.wav 
phone_setting.ring_for_tranfailed =

#Enable or disable the phone to show the logon wizard during startup; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.logon_wizard = 

#Enable or disable the phone to automatically dial out the dialed digits in the pre-dial interface; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.predial_autodial = 

#Enable or disable the phone to deal the 180 SIP message after the 183 SIP message; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
phone_setting.is_deal180 = 

#Configure the delay time (in seconds) for the dialnow rule. It ranges from 1 to 14, the default value is 1.
phone_setting.dialnow_delay = 

#Enable or disable customizing the softkey layout; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.custom_softkey_enable =   

#Configure the using mode of the headset key. The value is 0 or 1(default).
phone_setting.headsetkey_mode = 

#Configure the emergency number, each separated by a comma. The default value is 112,911,110.
phone_setting.emergency.number =  

#Configure the phone whether to end the call when the network is unavailable; 0-End the call, 1-Do not end the call.
phone_setting.end_call_net_disconnect.enable = 

#If leaving the field blank, the phone will display the value sent from the server when receiveing the 403 message; otherwise display the value entered in the filed.
#The default value is blank.
phone_setting.show_code403 =

##                              Multicast                                            ##                                            
#Configure the codec of multicast paging.
multicast.codec = 

#Enbale or diable the phone to handle the incoming multicast paging calls when there is a multicast paging call on the phone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#If enabled, the phone will answer the incoming multicast paging call with a higher priority and ignore that with a lower priority.
multicast.receive_priority.enable = 

#Configure the priority of multicast paging calls. It ranges from 0 to 10.
multicast.receive_priority.priority = 

#Configure the listening multicast IP address and port number for the phone. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#multicast.listen_address.X.ip_address = 
multicast.listen_address.1.ip_address =

#Configure the lable displayed on the LCD screen when receiving the multicast paging. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#multicast.listen_address.X.label = 
multicast.listen_address.1.label =

##                     Configure the access URL of firmware                          ##                                 
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired firmware (x.70.x.x.rom) to the provisioning server.
firmware.url = 

##                     Configure the access URL of the customized  ringtones         ##                                  
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired ring tone (x.wav) to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
ringtone.url =

#ringtone.delete = http://localhost/all,delete all the customized ring tones.
ringtone.delete =

##            Configure the access  URL of language file                             ##                                       
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired language pack to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
gui_lang.url = 

#gui_lang.delete = http://localhost/all, delete all the customized languages.
gui_lang.delete =

##            Configure the access  URL of logo file                                 ##                                       
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired logo file (x.dob) to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
lcd_logo.url =  

#lcd_logo.delete = http://localhost/all, delete all the customized logo.
lcd_logo.delete =

##                     Certificates                                                  ##  
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired certificate to the provisioning server.
trusted_certificates.url =

#trusted_certificates.delete = http://localhost/all,delete all the trusted certificates. 
trusted_certificates.delete = 

#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired certificate to the provisioning server.
server_certificates.url = 

#server_certificates.delete = http://localhost/all, delete the server certificate. 
server_certificates.delete = 

##  Local Contact/DST Time/Dialnow Rule/Replace Rule                                 ##                                                     

#Before using these parameters, you should store the desired resource files to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink SIP-T2xP IP Phone Family Administrator Guide.
local_contact.data.url =
auto_dst.url =
dialplan_dialnow.url =
dialplan_replace_rule.url =

##      Customized Factory Configurations                                            ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the customized factory configurations.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired factory configuration file to the provisioning server.
custom_factory_configuration.url =

##              Customized Configurations                                            ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the configurations.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired configuration file to the provisioning server.
configuration.url =

##          Call List                                                                ##                                            
#Configure the access URL for downloading the call list.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired call list file to the provisioning server.
#Require reboot
call_list.url = 

##            OpenVPN                                                                ##                                            
#Configure the access URL for downloading the open VPN tar.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired VPN file to the provisioning server.
openvpn.url =

##     Configuration files for Var                                                   ##                                            
#Configure the access URL for downloading the files for var.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired files to the provisioning server.
#Require reboot
web_item_level.url = 

Использован минимум настроек:

Включить Auto Provisioning:

 auto_provision.mode = 1 

Адрес сервера Auto Provisioning (tftp):

 auto_provision.server.url =

Назначим кнопку для Hot Desking (код 34). Под кнопку использована softkey 3 (кнопка под дисплеем, по умолчанию DND)

 programablekey.3.type = 34

Назначим Time Offset (Московское время)

 local_time.time_zone = +3

Укажем NTP сервер:

 local_time.ntp_server1 =

Назначим опции для авторизации Hot Desking (в нашем примере это логин и пароль SIP аккаунта)

 hotdesking.startup_username_enable = 1
 hotdesking.startup_password_enable = 1

Может быть использован для всех вышеперечисленных моделей.




##File header "#!version:" can not be edited or deleted, and must be placed in the first line.##

##                           Account1 Settings                                       ##                                                                          

#Enable or disable the account1, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account1.
account.1.label = 

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.1.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account1.
account.1.display_name = 

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.1.auth_name = 
account.1.password = 

#Configure the register user name.
account.1.user_name = 

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.1.sip_server_host =

#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.1.sip_server_port = 5061

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 1

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.1.outbound_host =

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.1.outbound_port = 5061

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.1.transport = 0

#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.1.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.1.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.1.backup_outbound_host =

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.1.backup_outbound_port = 5061

#Configure the voice mail number of account1.
voice_mail.number.1 = *97

#Configure the proxy server to account1.
account.1.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.sip_trust_ctrl = 

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.1.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.1.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.1.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.1.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account1, the default value is 5060. 
account.1.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.1.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.1.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.1.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits(default), 2-RFC4916
account.1.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.1.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.1.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.1.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.1.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.1.ptime = 

#Assign account1 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.1.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account1 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.1.bla_number = 
account.1.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.1.group_pickup_code = 
account.1.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.1.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.1.register_mac = 
account.1.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account1 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.1.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.1.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.1.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.1.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.1.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.1.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled (default) , 1-Enabled ;
account.1.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.1.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.1.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.1.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.1.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.1.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.1.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.1.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.1.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.1.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account1.
account.1.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.1.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.1.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.1.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.1.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.1.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.1.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.1.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T3 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.1.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.1.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.1.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.1.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account1. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.1.ringtone.ring_type = 

#Audio codecs for account1 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.1.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.1.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.1.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.1.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.1.codec.1.enable = 1
account.1.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.1.codec.1.priority = 1
account.1.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.1.codec.2.enable = 1
account.1.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.1.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.1.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.1.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.1.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.1.codec.3.priority =0
account.1.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.1.codec.4.enable = 0
account.1.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.1.codec.4.priority = 0
account.1.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.1.codec.5.enable = 1
account.1.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.1.codec.5.priority = 3
account.1.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.1.codec.6.enable = 1
account.1.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.1.codec.6.priority = 4
account.1.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.1.codec.7.enable = 0
account.1.codec.7.payload_type = iLBC
account.1.codec.7.priority =  0
account.1.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.1.codec.8.enable = 0
account.1.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.1.codec.8.priority = 0
account.1.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.1.codec.9.enable = 0
account.1.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.1.codec.9.priority = 0
account.1.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.1.codec.10.enable = 0
account.1.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.1.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.1.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.1.codec.11.enable = 0
account.1.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.1.codec.11.priority = 0
account.1.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.1.codec.12.enable = 0
account.1.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.1.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.1.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.1.codec.13.enable = 0
account.1.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.1.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.1.codec.13.rtpmap = 97 

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.1.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.1.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.1.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Configure the call forward key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.fwd_mode =

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account1.
account.1.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account1.
account.1.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.1.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.1.busy_fwd.target = 
account.1.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.1.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.1.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.1.timeout_fwd.target =
account.1.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.1.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.1.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Configure the DND key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.dnd_mode = 

#Enable or disable the DND feautre for account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account1.
account.1.dnd.on_code = 
account.1.dnd.off_code =

##                        Account2 Settings                                          ##                                       

#Enable or disable the account2, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account2.
account.2.label = 

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.2.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account2.
account.2.display_name =

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.2.auth_name = 
account.2.password = 

#Configure the register user name.
account.2.user_name =  

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.2.sip_server_host = 
#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.2.sip_server_port = 

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.2.outbound_proxy_enable = 

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.2.outbound_host = 

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.2.outbound_port =

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.2.transport = 

#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.2.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.2.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.2.backup_outbound_host = 

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.2.backup_outbound_port = 

#Configure the voice mail number of account2.
voice_mail.number.2 = 

#Configure the proxy server to account2.
account.2.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.sip_trust_ctrl =  

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.2.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.2.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.2.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.2.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account2, the default value is 5060. 
account.2.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.2.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.2.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.2.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits (default), 2-RFC4916
account.2.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.2.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.2.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.2.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.2.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.2.ptime = 

#Assign account2 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.2.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account2 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.2.bla_number = 
account.2.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.2.group_pickup_code = 
account.2.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.2.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.2.register_mac = 
account.2.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account2 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.2.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.2.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.2.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.2.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.2.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.2.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled , 1-Enabled (default);
account.2.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.2.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.2.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.2.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.2.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.2.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.2.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.2.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.2.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.2.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account2.
account.2.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.2.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.2.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.2.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.2.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.2.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.2.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.2.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T3 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.2.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.2.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.2.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.2.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account2. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.2.ringtone.ring_type =  

#Audio codecs for account2 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.2.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.2.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.2.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.2.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.2.codec.1.enable = 1
account.2.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.2.codec.1.priority = 1
account.2.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.2.codec.2.enable = 1
account.2.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.2.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.2.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.2.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.2.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.2.codec.3.priority =0
account.2.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.2.codec.4.enable = 0
account.2.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.2.codec.4.priority = 0
account.2.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.2.codec.5.enable = 1
account.2.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.2.codec.5.priority = 3
account.2.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.2.codec.6.enable = 1
account.2.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.2.codec.6.priority = 4
account.2.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.2.codec.7.enable = 0
account.2.codec.7.payload_type = iBLC
account.2.codec.7.priority = 0 
account.2.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.2.codec.8.enable = 0
account.2.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.2.codec.8.priority = 0
account.2.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.2.codec.9.enable = 0
account.2.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.2.codec.9.priority = 0
account.2.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.2.codec.10.enable = 0
account.2.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.2.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.2.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.2.codec.11.enable = 0
account.2.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.2.codec.11.priority = 0
account.2.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.2.codec.12.enable = 0
account.2.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.2.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.2.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.2.codec.13.enable = 0
account.2.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.2.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.2.codec.13.rtpmap = 97

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.2.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.2.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.2.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account2.
account.2.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account2.
account.2.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.2.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.2.busy_fwd.target = 
account.2.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.2.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.2.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.2.timeout_fwd.target =
account.2.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.2.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.2.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Enable or disable the DND feature for account2; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.2.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account2.
account.2.dnd.on_code = 
account.2.dnd.off_code =

##                 Account3 Settings                                                 ##                                       

#Enable or disable the account3, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account3.
account.3.label =

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.3.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account3.
account.3.display_name =

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.3.auth_name = 
account.3.password =   

#Configure the register user name.
account.3.user_name =  

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.3.sip_server_host = 
#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.3.sip_server_port = 

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.3.outbound_proxy_enable = 

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.3.outbound_host = 

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.3.outbound_port =

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.3.transport = 

#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.3.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.3.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.3.backup_outbound_host = 

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.3.backup_outbound_port = 

#Configure the voice mail number of account3.
voice_mail.number.3 = 

#Configure the proxy server to account3.
account.3.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.sip_trust_ctrl =

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.3.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.3.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.3.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.3.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account3, the default value is 5060. 
account.3.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.3.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.3.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.3.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits (default), 2-RFC4916
account.3.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.3.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.3.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.3.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.3.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.3.ptime = 

#Assign account3 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.3.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account3 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.3.bla_number = 
account.3.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.3.group_pickup_code = 
account.3.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.3.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.3.register_mac = 
account.3.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account3 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.3.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.3.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.3.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.3.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.3.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.3.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled (default) , 1-Enabled ;
account.3.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.3.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.3.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.3.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.3.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.3.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.3.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.3.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.3.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.3.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account3.
account.3.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.3.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.3.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.3.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.3.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.3.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.3.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.3.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T3 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.3.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.3.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.3.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.3.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account3. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.3.ringtone.ring_type = 

#Audio codecs for account3 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.3.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.3.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.3.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.3.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.3.codec.1.enable = 1
account.3.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.3.codec.1.priority = 1
account.3.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.3.codec.2.enable = 1
account.3.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.3.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.3.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.3.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.3.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.3.codec.3.priority =0
account.3.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.3.codec.4.enable = 0
account.3.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.3.codec.4.priority = 0
account.3.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.3.codec.5.enable = 1
account.3.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.3.codec.5.priority = 3
account.3.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.3.codec.6.enable = 1
account.3.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.3.codec.6.priority = 4
account.3.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.3.codec.7.enable = 0
account.3.codec.7.payload_type = iBLC
account.3.codec.7.priority = 0 
account.3.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.3.codec.8.enable = 0
account.3.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.3.codec.8.priority = 0
account.3.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.3.codec.9.enable = 0
account.3.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.3.codec.9.priority = 0
account.3.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.3.codec.10.enable = 0
account.3.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.3.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.3.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.3.codec.11.enable = 0
account.3.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.3.codec.11.priority = 0
account.3.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.3.codec.12.enable = 0
account.3.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.3.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.3.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.3.codec.13.enable = 0
account.3.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.3.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.3.codec.13.rtpmap = 97      

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.3.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.3.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.3.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account3.
account.3.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account3.
account.3.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.3.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.3.busy_fwd.target = 
account.3.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.3.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.3.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.3.timeout_fwd.target =
account.3.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.3.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.3.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Enable or disable the DND feautre for account3; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.3.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account3.
account.3.dnd.on_code = 
account.3.dnd.off_code =

##              Account4 Settings (For T28P only)                                    ##                                       

#Enable or disable the account4, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account4.
account.4.label = 

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.4.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account4.
account.4.display_name =

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.4.auth_name = 
account.4.password =   

#Configure the register user name.
account.4.user_name =  

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.4.sip_server_host = 
#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.4.sip_server_port = 

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.4.outbound_proxy_enable = 

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.4.outbound_host = 

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.4.outbound_port =

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.4.transport = 

#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.4.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.4.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.4.backup_outbound_host = 

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.4.backup_outbound_port = 

#Configure the voice mail number of account4.
voice_mail.number.4 = 

#Configure the proxy server to account4.
account.4.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.sip_trust_ctrl =

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.4.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.4.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.4.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.4.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account4, the default value is 5060. 
account.4.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.4.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.4.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.4.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits(default), 2-RFC4916
account.4.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.4.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.4.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.4.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.4.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.4.ptime = 

#Assign account4 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.4.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account4 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.4.bla_number = 
account.4.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.4.group_pickup_code = 
account.4.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.4.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.4.register_mac = 
account.4.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account4 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.4.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.4.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.4.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.4.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.4.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.4.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled (default) , 1-Enabled ;
account.4.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.4.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.4.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.4.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.4.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.4.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.4.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.4.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.4.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.4.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account4.
account.4.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.4.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.4.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.4.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.4.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.4.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.4.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.4.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T3 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.4.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.4.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.4.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.4.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account4. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.4.ringtone.ring_type = 

#Audio codecs for account4 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.4.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.4.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.4.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.4.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.4.codec.1.enable = 1
account.4.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.4.codec.1.priority = 1
account.4.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.4.codec.2.enable = 1
account.4.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.4.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.4.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.4.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.4.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.4.codec.3.priority =0
account.4.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.4.codec.4.enable = 0
account.4.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.4.codec.4.priority = 0
account.4.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.4.codec.5.enable = 1
account.4.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.4.codec.5.priority = 3
account.4.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.4.codec.6.enable = 1
account.4.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.4.codec.6.priority = 4
account.4.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.4.codec.7.enable = 0
account.4.codec.7.payload_type = iBLC
account.4.codec.7.priority = 0 
account.4.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.4.codec.8.enable = 0
account.4.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.4.codec.8.priority = 0
account.4.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.4.codec.9.enable = 0
account.4.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.4.codec.9.priority = 0
account.4.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.4.codec.10.enable = 0
account.4.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.4.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.4.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.4.codec.11.enable = 0
account.4.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.4.codec.11.priority = 0
account.4.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.4.codec.12.enable = 0
account.4.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.4.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.4.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.4.codec.13.enable = 0
account.4.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.4.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.4.codec.13.rtpmap = 97          

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.4.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.4.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.4.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account4.
account.4.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account4.
account.4.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.4.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.4.busy_fwd.target = 
account.4.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.4.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.4.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.4.timeout_fwd.target =
account.4.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.4.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.4.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Enable or disable the DND feautre for account4; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.4.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account4.
account.4.dnd.on_code = 
account.4.dnd.off_code =

##               Account5 Settings (For T28P only)                                   ##                                        

#Enable or disable the account5, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account5.
account.5.label = 

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.5.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account5.
account.5.display_name =

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.5.auth_name = 
account.5.password =   

#Configure the register user name.
account.5.user_name =  

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.5.sip_server_host = 
#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.5.sip_server_port = 

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.5.outbound_proxy_enable = 

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.5.outbound_host = 

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.5.outbound_port =

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.5.transport = 

#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.5.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.5.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.5.backup_outbound_host = 

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.5.backup_outbound_port = 

#Configure the voice mail number of account5.
voice_mail.number.5 = 

#Configure the proxy server to account5.
account.5.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.sip_trust_ctrl =

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.5.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.5.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.5.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.5.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account5, the default value is 5060. 
account.5.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.5.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.5.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.5.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits (default), 2-RFC4916
account.5.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.5.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.5.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.5.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.5.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.5.ptime = 

#Assign account5 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.5.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account5 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.5.bla_number = 
account.5.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.5.group_pickup_code = 
account.5.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.5.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.5.register_mac = 
account.5.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account5 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.5.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.5.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.5.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.5.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.5.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.5.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled (default) , 1-Enabled ;
account.5.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.5.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.5.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.5.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.5.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.5.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.5.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.5.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.5.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.5.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account5.
account.5.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.5.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.5.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.5.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.5.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.5.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.5.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.5.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T3 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.5.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.5.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.5.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.5.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account5. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.5.ringtone.ring_type = 

#Audio codecs for account5 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.5.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.5.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.5.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.5.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.5.codec.1.enable = 1
account.5.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.5.codec.1.priority = 1
account.5.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.5.codec.2.enable = 1
account.5.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.5.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.5.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.5.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.5.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.5.codec.3.priority =0
account.5.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.5.codec.4.enable = 0
account.5.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.5.codec.4.priority = 0
account.5.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.5.codec.5.enable = 1
account.5.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.5.codec.5.priority = 3
account.5.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.5.codec.6.enable = 1
account.5.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.5.codec.6.priority = 4
account.5.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.5.codec.7.enable = 0
account.5.codec.7.payload_type = iBLC
account.5.codec.7.priority = 0 
account.5.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.5.codec.8.enable = 0
account.5.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.5.codec.8.priority = 0
account.5.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.5.codec.9.enable = 0
account.5.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.5.codec.9.priority = 0
account.5.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.5.codec.10.enable = 0
account.5.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.5.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.5.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.5.codec.11.enable = 0
account.5.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.5.codec.11.priority = 0
account.5.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.5.codec.12.enable = 0
account.5.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.5.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.5.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.5.codec.13.enable = 0
account.5.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.5.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.5.codec.13.rtpmap = 97            

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.5.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.5.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.5.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account5.
account.5.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account5.
account.5.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.5.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.5.busy_fwd.target = 
account.5.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.5.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.5.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.5.timeout_fwd.target =
account.5.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.5.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.5.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Enable or disable the DND feautre for account5; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.5.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account5.
account.5.dnd.on_code = 
account.5.dnd.off_code =

##                 Account6 Settings (For T28P only)                                 ##                                         

#Enable or disable the account6, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.enable = 

#Configure the label displayed on the LCD screen for account6.
account.6.label = 

#Enable or disable to use the alert info URL; 0-Enabled (default), 1-Disabled;
account.6.alert_info_url_enable =

#Configure the display name of account6.
account.6.display_name =

#Configure the username and password for register authentication.
account.6.auth_name = 
account.6.password =   

#Configure the register user name.
account.6.user_name =  

#Configure the SIP server address.
account.6.sip_server_host = 
#Specify the port for the SIP server. The default value is 5060.
account.6.sip_server_port = 

#Enable or disable to use the outbound proxy server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
account.6.outbound_proxy_enable = 

#Specify the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server.
account.6.outbound_host = 

#Specify the server port, the default value is 5060.
account.6.outbound_port =

#Configure the transport type; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;
account.6.transport =
#Enable or disable the timer to periodically refresh the DNS-SRV query result; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
account.6.srv_ttl_timer_enable =

#Specify the service for SIP used to DNS-SRV query; 0-muti-service mixed, 1-SIP+D2U, 2-SIP+D2T, 3-SIPS+D2T;
#Require reboot;
account.6.dns_srv_type =

#Configure the address of the backup outbound proxy server.
account.6.backup_outbound_host = 

#Specify the port, the default value is 5060.
account.6.backup_outbound_port = 

#Configure the voice mail number of account6.
voice_mail.number.6 = 

#Configure the proxy server to account6.
account.6.proxy_require = 

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the message from the server; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.sip_trust_ctrl =

#Enable or disable the anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the anonymous call feature.
account.6.anonymous_call_oncode = 
account.6.anonymous_call_offcode = 

#Enable or disable the reject anonymous call feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.reject_anonymous_call = 

#Configure the on code and off code of the reject anonymous call feature.
account.6.anonymous_reject_oncode = 
account.6.anonymous_reject_offcode = 

#Configure the SIP port for account6, the default value is 5060. 
account.6.sip_listen_port = 

#Configure the register expiry time (in seconds), the default value is 3600.
account.6.expires = 

#Enable or disable the 100 reliable retransmission; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.100rel_enable = 

#Enable or disable the resource reservation; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.precondition = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the register status; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.subscribe_register = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.subscribe_mwi = 

#Configure MWI subscribe expiry time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 84600, the default value is 3600.
account.6.subscribe_mwi_expires = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to carry the caller ID; 0-FROM (default), 1-PAI 2-PAI-FROM, 3-PRID-PAI-FROM, 4-PAI-RPID-FROM, 5-RPID-FROM;
account.6.cid_source = 

#Configure the type of SIP header(s) to display on the caller's LCD screen; 0-RPID-FROM, 1-Dialed Digits (default), 2-RFC4916
account.6.cp_source = 

#Enable or disable the session timer, 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;  
account.6.session_timer.enable =      

#Configure the refresh session timer interval (in seconds). It ranges from 1 to 9999.
account.6.session_timer.expires =      

#Configure the session timer refresher; 0-Uac (default), 1-Uas;
account.6.session_timer.refresher = 

#Enable or disable the "user=phone"; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.enable_user_equal_phone = 

#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
account.6.srtp_encryption = 

#Configure the RTP packet time. The valid values are 0 (Disabled), 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 60.
account.6.ptime = 

#Assign account6 as shared line; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Broadsoft SCA, 2-BLA;
account.6.shared_line = 

#Configure BLA number for account6 and the subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 60 to 7200, the default value is 300.
account.6.bla_number = 
account.6.bla_subscribe_period = 

#Enable or disable call pickup using dialog-info SIP header; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.dialoginfo_callpickup = 

#Configure the directed and group pickup codes for account 1, the settings on a per-account basis take precedence over the settings on the phone.
account.6.group_pickup_code = 
account.6.direct_pickup_code = 

#Enable or disable the auto answer feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.auto_answer = 

#Enable or disable the phone to record the missed call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.6.missed_calllog = 

#Enable or disable the phone to subscribe to the voicemail through the message waiting indicator; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.subscribe_mwi_to_vm = 

#Enable or disable the phone to send the MAC address and line number in the Register message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;    
account.6.register_mac = 
account.6.register_line = 

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone retries to register when account6 fails to register. It ranges from 0 to 1800, the default value is 30.
account.6.reg_fail_retry_interval = 

#Configure the conference type; 0-Local (default), 2-Network Conference;
account.6.conf_type = 

#Configure the conference URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "conference@domain.com" or "conference".
account.6.conf_uri = 

#Configure the BLF list URI (a SIP URI, or use part of the SIP URI). For example, "2300_blflist@domain.com" or "2300_blflist".
account.6.blf.blf_list_uri = 

#Configure the pickup code of BLF List.
account.6.blf_list_code = 

#Configure the barge-in code.
account.6.blf_list_barge_in_code = 

#Enable or disable the phone to handle unmatched notify messages; 0-Disabled (default) , 1-Enabled ;
account.6.out_dialog_blf_enable = 

#Configure the BLF subscribe period (in seconds), the default value is 1800.
account.6.blf.subscribe_period = 

#Configure the ACD subscribe period (in seconds). It ranges from 120 to 3600 (default).
account.6.subscribe_acd_expires = 

#Configure the SIP server type; 0-Default (default), 2-BroadSoft, 4-Cosmocom;
account.6.sip_server_type = 

#Enable or disable the SIP signal encode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled (RC 4);
account.6.enable_signal_encode = 

#Configure the key for encoding.
account.6.signal_encode_key = 

#Configure the URI of the Music On Hold server. 
account.6.music_server_uri =

#Configure the DTMF type; 0-INBAND, 1-RFC2833 (default), 2-SIP INFO, 3-AUTO+SIP INFO;
account.6.dtmf.type = 

#Configure the RFC2833 payload. It ranges from 96 to 255, the default value is 101.
account.6.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 

#Configure the DTMF info type when using the SIP INFO; 0-Disabled (default), 1-DTMF-Relay, 2-DTMF, 3-Telephone-Event;
account.6.dtmf.info_type = 

#Enable or disable the phone to obtain the balance for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.balance_enable = 

#Configure the access URL of the balance server for account6.
account.6.balance_link_url =

#Enable or disable the phone to send the account log-off message first and then send account register message when rebooting the phone; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.unregister_on_reboot =

#Enbale or diable the simplified header field feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.6.compact_header_enable =

#Configure the type of Music on Hold; 0-Send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server then hold the call; 1-Hold the call then send the INVITE request to Music on Hold Server;
#Require reboot;
account.6.music_on_hold_type = 

##                     NAT Settings                                    ##

#Enable or disable the NAT traversal; 0-Disabled (default), 1-STUN;
account.6.nat.nat_traversal = 

#Configure the STUN server address.
account.6.nat.stun_server = 

#Configure the STUN server port, the default value is 3478.
account.6.nat.stun_port = 

#Enable or disable the NAT keep-alive; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
account.6.nat.udp_update_enable = 

#Specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds), the default value is 30.
account.6.nat.udp_update_time = 

#Enable or disable the NAT Rport; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.nat.rport = 

#Configure the session timer (in seconds), the default value of T1, T2, T4 is 0.5, 4, 5.
account.6.advanced.timer_t1 = 
account.6.advanced.timer_t2 = 
account.6.advanced.timer_t4 = 

#Configure the timeout (in seconds) for DNS query, the value ranges from 1 to 9, the default value is 8.
account.6.dns_query_timeout =

#Assign a ringtone for account6. The system ring tones are: common (default), Ring1.wav, Ring2.wav,Ў­Ў­Ring8.wav.
#If you configure the custom ring tone (Family.wav) for the account, the value format is: Family.wav
#If you configure the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the account, the value format is: Ring2.wav
account.6.ringtone.ring_type = 

#Audio codecs for account6 (Y ranges from 1 to 13).
#Enable or disable the specified codec; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#account.6.codec.Y.enable = 
#The type of the specified codec.
#account.6.codec.Y.payload_type = 
#The priority of the specified codec. It's available when the codec is enabled.
#account.6.codec.Y.priority = 
#The payload of the specified codec.
#account.6.codec.Y.rtpmap = 

account.6.codec.1.enable = 1
account.6.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.6.codec.1.priority = 1
account.6.codec.1.rtpmap = 0

account.6.codec.2.enable = 1
account.6.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.6.codec.2.priority = 2 
account.6.codec.2.rtpmap = 8

account.6.codec.3.enable = 0 
account.6.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.6.codec.3.priority =0
account.6.codec.3.rtpmap = 4

account.6.codec.4.enable = 0
account.6.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.6.codec.4.priority = 0
account.6.codec.4.rtpmap = 4

account.6.codec.5.enable = 1
account.6.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.6.codec.5.priority = 3
account.6.codec.5.rtpmap = 18

account.6.codec.6.enable = 1
account.6.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.6.codec.6.priority = 4
account.6.codec.6.rtpmap = 9

account.6.codec.7.enable = 0
account.6.codec.7.payload_type = iBLC
account.6.codec.7.priority = 0 
account.6.codec.7.rtpmap = 102

account.6.codec.8.enable = 0
account.6.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.6.codec.8.priority = 0
account.6.codec.8.rtpmap = 112

account.6.codec.9.enable = 0
account.6.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.6.codec.9.priority = 0
account.6.codec.9.rtpmap = 102

account.6.codec.10.enable = 0
account.6.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32 
account.6.codec.10.priority = 0 
account.6.codec.10.rtpmap = 99

account.6.codec.11.enable = 0
account.6.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.6.codec.11.priority = 0
account.6.codec.11.rtpmap = 104

account.6.codec.12.enable = 0
account.6.codec.12.payload_type = iLBC_13_3
account.6.codec.12.priority = 0 
account.6.codec.12.rtpmap = 97

account.6.codec.13.enable = 0
account.6.codec.13.payload_type = iLBC_15_2
account.6.codec.13.priority = 0 
account.6.codec.13.rtpmap = 97          

#Configure the ACD reason code of Broadsoft.(The valus of Y must be consecutive numbers.)
#account.6.bw_acd_reason_code.Y = 500(lunch time)
account.6.bw_acd_reason_code.1 =
account.6.bw_acd_reason_code.2 =

##                        Call Forward                                               ##                                       

#Enable or disable the always forward feature for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.always_fwd.enable = 

#Configure the destination number of the always forward for account6.
account.6.always_fwd.target = 

#Configure the always forward on code and off code for account6.
account.6.always_fwd.on_code = 
account.6.always_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.busy_fwd.enable = 
account.6.busy_fwd.target = 
account.6.busy_fwd.on_code = 
account.6.busy_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; 
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
account.6.timeout_fwd.enable = 
account.6.timeout_fwd.target =
account.6.timeout_fwd.timeout = 
account.6.timeout_fwd.on_code =
account.6.timeout_fwd.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to record the last call forward type for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.last_type =

##                          DND                                                      ##                                       

#Enable or disable the DND feautre for account6; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.6.dnd.enable = 

#Configure the DND on code and off code for account6.
account.6.dnd.on_code = 
account.6.dnd.off_code =

По сути дела, нам требуется указать только адрес SIP сервера (в нашем случае Asterisk) и порт (в примере использован 5061)

Адрес SIP сервера:

  account.1.sip_server_host =

Порт SIP сервера:

 account.1.sip_server_port = 5061

Транспорт; 0-UDP (default), 1-TCP, 2-TLS, 3-DNS SRV;

 account.1.transport = 0

Теперь осталось только поместить файлы на TFTP сервер, который можно разместить на том же сервере, что и Asterisk:

Настройка TFTP сервера

И добавить в настройки DHCP сервера опцию 66 (или 128).

Телефон подключается в локальную сеть, получает IP адрес и адрес TFTP сервера по DHCP,
скачивает файл общих настроек и свой уникальный конфигурационный файл.
Теперь когда аппарат получил всю требуемую информацию, а именно:

  • адрес tftp сервера по DHCP
  • адрес SIP сервера из конфигурационного файла с tftp сервера.
  • параметры Hot Desking из общего конфигурационного файла.
  • и тд

Пользователь нажимает кнопку HDesk (Смена - в руссифицированном интерфейсе) и авторизуется под своим SIP аккаунтом.


Настройка оборудования

  • hardware/phones/ipmatika.txt
  • Последние изменения: 2019/10/18