Upgrade FreePBX 2.11 > FreePBX12

Пошаговая инструкция по обновлению FreePBX 2.11 до версии FreePBX12, с картинками и редкими, по большей части бесполезными, комментариями. http://www.asterisk-pbx.ru/downloads/upgrade_freepbx_2-11_freepbx12.pdf

Admin>Module Admin - Check Online

Freepbx12 Upgrader

FreePBX Upgrader > Action > Download And Install

Freepbx12 Upgrader process

Apply Config

Admin > 2.11 To 12 Upgrade Tool

2.11 To 12 Upgrade Tool

This module will allow you to upgrade to FreePBX version 12.0 from the current version, 2.11.0, that you are running.

The upgrade process is a simple but multi-step process that you should complete all at one time. As always when upgrading a system, it is advisable that you complete this process when the system is not actively being used.

The steps you will take are:
  1. Press the upgrade button below.
  2. Go to Module Admin, check for online updates, and upgrade the FreePBX Framework module ONLY from the online repository which will now be connected to version 12.0.
  3. Now, Check for online updates again and upgrade all other modules that have upgrades available. If you get dependency warnings, just repeat the process until all your modules have been upgraded.
  4. Now press the Apply Configuration bar.
  5. Finally you will want to run 'amportal a ma refreshsignatures'

Once you have completed these steps you will be upgraded to the new 12.0 version and you may disable or remove this module if it does not do so automatically.


Admin>Module Admin - Check Online

FreePBX module framework upgrade

Апгрейдим framework

Admin>Module Admin - Check Online

freepbx12 module core upgrade

Апгрейдим Core

При нажатии Apply Config возникает ошибка:

Reload failed because retrieve_conf encountered an error: 255

такая хрень(

retrieve_conf error: 255

Вот мы и дошли до места, ради которого создан этот мануал.

из командной строки Linux выполняем команду:

amportal a ma refreshsignatures <spoiler>

# amportal a ma refreshsignatures

Please wait...
/usr/local/sbin/amportal: line 46: export: `http://feeds.feedburner.com/InsideTheAsterisk': not a valid identifier

new amportal script detected, moving it to /usr/local/sbin and attempting to backup up old
Getting Data from Online Server...Done
Checking Signatures of Modules...
Checking builtin...Good
Checking callrecording...Good
Checking cdr...Good
Checking core...Good
Checking customappsreg...Good
Checking dashboard...Good
Checking featurecodeadmin...Good
Checking framework...Good
Checking infoservices...Good
Checking logfiles...Good
Checking music...Good
Checking sipsettings...Good
Checking voicemail...Good

Removing any dangling symlinks
Dangling symlinks removed
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root

</spoiler> а затем amportal a ma upgradeall <spoiler|Если кому интересно, вывод под спойлером>

# amportal a ma upgradeall

Please wait...

no repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings

Upgrading: cdr, dashboard, featurecodeadmin, logfiles, music, sipsettings, voicemail
Upgrading cdr..
Downloading 185588 of 185588 (100%)

Module cdr successfully downloaded
Checking if field did is present in cdr table..
did field already present.
Checking if field recordingfile is present in cdr table..
recordingfile field already present.
Checking if field cnum is present in cdr table..
cnum field already present.
Checking if field cnam is present in cdr table..
cnam field already present.
Checking if field outbound_cnum is present in cdr table..
outbound_cnum field already present.
Checking if field outbound_cnam is present in cdr table..
outbound_cnam field already present.
Checking if field dst_cnam is present in cdr table..
dst_cnam field already present.
Creating cel if needed..OK
Module cdr successfully installed
Upgrading dashboard..
Downloading 346461 of 346461 (100%)

Module dashboard successfully downloaded
Module dashboard successfully installed
Upgrading featurecodeadmin..
Downloading 16026 of 16026 (100%)

Module featurecodeadmin successfully downloaded
Module featurecodeadmin successfully installed
Upgrading logfiles..
Downloading 33572 of 33572 (100%)

Module logfiles successfully downloaded
Module logfiles successfully installed
Upgrading music..
Downloading 47685 of 47685 (100%)

Module music successfully downloaded
Module music successfully installed
Upgrading sipsettings..
Downloading 83524 of 83524 (100%)

Module sipsettings successfully downloaded
checking for sipsettings table..already exists
Migrate rtp.conf values if needed and initialize
Migrating rtpstart Setting from Old Format to BMO Object
Migrating rtpend Setting from Old Format to BMO Object
Migrating Audio Codecs
Module sipsettings successfully installed
Upgrading voicemail..
Downloading 264910 of 264910 (100%)

Module voicemail successfully downloaded
Checking for General Setting migrations..not needed
checking if Voicemail Admin (vmailadmin) is installed..not installed, ok
Module voicemail successfully installed
All upgrades done!

Removing any dangling symlinks
Dangling symlinks removed


Опять жмем Apply Config и мы счастливы.

На старых версиях CentOS (5) возможно такое:

Unable to connect to servers from URLs provided: http://mirror1.freepbx.org

<fs large><fc #ff0000>При попытке обновления FreePBX 2.11 до FreePBX 12 Centos5 появляется ошибка:</fc></fs>

Unable to connect to servers from URLs provided: http://mirror1.freepbx.org/modules/packages/framework/framework-12.0.1rc32.tgz.gpg,http://mirror2.freepbx.org/modules/packages/framework/framework-12.0.1rc32.tgz.gpg


В модуле Advanced Settings:

<fs large><fc #4682b4>Settings > Advanced Settings > «Use wget For Module Admin» ></fc></fs> <fs large><fc #ff0000>false</fc></fs>


amportal a ma refreshsignatures

и затем:

amportal a ma upgradeall


Обновляем или устанавливаем требуемые модули

Сперва Standart

install standart freepbx12 modules

Затем Extended

Отключим Dahdi Config (ну не нравится мне он)

dahdi_config freepbx disable

И Java SSH (из параноидальных соображений)

freepbx12 module java_ssh disable


  • freepbx/freepbx-211_to_freepbx12_upgrade.txt
  • Последние изменения: 2018/05/11